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March 31, 2025

Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 26, 2014

DuPage Co.  (ECWd)

If we have said it once we, have said it a thousand times, you cant make this stuff up!

For months we have heard fabricated excuses for College of DuPage President Breuder’s hunt club membership, and to date they have been unable to produce a single document to support their claim that it is part of his compensation package. (click here for previous article)

By all indications they can simply make a claim and the local media reports it without any followup to determine the authenticity of their claim.  Since most everyone with any common sense knows his shooting club serves no public purpose, in spite of their fabricated claims, I thought it best to raise a few other little tidbits to show just how out of control things really are, contrary to Trustee McGuire’s claim that everything is just fine. (Click here for McGuire rebuttal article) 

Keep in mind, when looking at some of these receipts, that these are either expense reimbursement claims or charges on the credit card for purchases made by a guy who is raking in approximately $500K a year in salary and benefits……..for now.  Also keep in mind that ALL expenditures of public funds MUST have a public purpose. With that in mind ask yourself, what public purpose was served with the following  purchases made by Breuder?

If there was a public purpose on behalf of the college then why was tax charged?  Ok, just a smidgen of sarcasm with that question but in reality, if it truly was a COD related expense we the tax payer should not be paying tax on it!

The bigger question is for Trustee McGuire who rambled on with false claims that FOIA requests were costing COD $100K.  Has anyone asked what it cost COD to process the reimbursement claim for Breuder and his one cup of coffee and one doughnut?  Is he serious?  A $500K compensation package and he actually turns in a claim for a cup of coffee and a doughnut?   COD, you have a bigger problem than you realize

I challenge anyone to provide the excuse for this one!  We could find no public purpose for him to purchase flower arrangements and once again, if it was for public purpose then why are we paying sales tax?

Now I don’t know about the rest of the people in this state, but does anyone seriously believe purchases made by Breuder at Bed Bath & Beyond have a public purpose that benefits the students of COD?  Oh, by the way, sales tax was paid on this purchase as well. Not sure what he purchased as the receipt is unreadable.

Now we all know the IRS will not allow an expense without proper documentation, and based on the fact there is no receipt for what appears to be yet another dinner on the taxpayer dime, can anyone tell me why Breuder was entitled to have this paid by the taxpayer?  What kind of over-site do we really have when charges can be made and paid for on a credit card yet no receipts provided?  Trustee McGuire might think twice before she opens her mouth with claims that nothing is wrong with the imprest payments, which I understand is where these credit card payments were made from.

Hours in the Waterleaf lounge (not alone), dinners, hotel nights, and flowers?  I would love to know where in the Community College Act it provides for the purchase of any of these things.


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  • screech0000
    Posted at 10:19h, 29 November

    Time grows short.

    There will be three six-year term College Trustee positions open on the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, Community College District #502 for the April 7, 2015 Consolidated Election.

    The first date candidates may file their nomination papers is Monday, Dec. 15, 2014, with the deadline listed as Monday Dec. 22, 2014. Ballot position is determined by date and time of filing.

    Trustee Hamilton has been doing an amazing job representing the people’s interest on the board. We should get her some help AND some leverage. Three slots are open in April.

  • astrozombies16
    Posted at 18:44h, 28 November

    RT @ECWDogs: Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…

  • joesteals
    Posted at 17:01h, 26 November

    Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…

  • DavidMcClain7
    Posted at 16:24h, 26 November

    Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…

  • Ed Franckowiak
    Posted at 16:05h, 26 November

    Kirk, Did you miss the $500. Pay-Pal expense on one of hist credit card bills. That’s what I would like explained.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 17:13h, 26 November

      There are more than 1 of those paypal payments…

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 17:55h, 26 November

      They were for a registration to a conference.

  • rocusa
    Posted at 15:52h, 26 November

    Only in Illinois! Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…
    beyond-way-beyond/ via @ECWDogs

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 15:21h, 26 November

    Breuder – Bed Bath & Beyond…way beyond…
