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March 29, 2025

Clark County Park District Meeting 8-21-2014 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 22, 2014


The Clark County Park District haled a meeting on August 8, 2014. The meeting was held in the garage to accommodate those citizens who chose to attend, and there was still standing room only.

The District approved:

– Naming Larry Yargas as the FOIA Officer

– Approved hiring the attorney again since it was not on the agenda for the last meeting

– Approved payment of an attorney invoice

– Approved the lease lots resolution on Plat and Covenants

– Accepted resignation of the Park Director and appointed Mark Badasch as temp Director. He will work 2 days per week at $450.00 per day. Appointed Charity Murphy from W. Terre Haute, IN. as assistant at $35k per year.


Law Breaking Continues

Unlawful Incurring of Debt

The Commissioners are fully aware that they cannot incur a debt on behalf of the park district without it being approved at a board meeting…but they continue on thumbing their noses at the law. You would think that for $250 per hour the newly hired attorney would advise them against violating the law, but instead were actively assisting them in their law breaking by not ensuring their work was approved by the board prior to incurring an invoice.

So now they have intentionally and deliberately violated the Park District Code, with the assistance of their attorney, constituting official misconduct on behalf of those that voted to pay the invoice.

(70 ILCS 1205/4-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-6)
    Sec. 4-6. No member of the board of any park district, nor any person, whether in the employ of said board or otherwise, shall have power to create any debt, obligation, claim or liability, for or on account of said park district, or the monies or property of the same, except with the express authority of said board conferred at a meeting thereof and duly recorded in a record of its proceedings.

Do you think any express authority conferred at a meeting and duly recorded was ever given to incur a debt from an attorney? Of course not, but these people believe there are no consequences to what they are doing.

Leasing of Lots

The board went ahead and voted to lease lots in violation of the original agreement that helped form the park.

FOIA Officer

From the scrapping and fighting over FOIA officers, and Larry Yargas insisting in meeting after meeting about who should be the FOIA officer, it is quickly becoming clear that there is an orchestrated attempt at hiding records from the public. This is speculation on my part, but there is no other logical reason for him to be  so concerned about these PUBLIC records.

Election Coming Up In 2015

Four Commissioners are coming up for election in 2015 – we will run several articles on this important issue in the coming months.



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  • jeff
    Posted at 06:19h, 23 August

    I left our a very important part::::
    Hats off to Commissioner’s Sweet,Wallace and Ewing. I’m sure it feels like an uphill battle but keep up the good work!!! Sure glad there are at least a few on this board that has mill creek and taxpayers interest at heart!!!
    Election will be soon there will be new commissioners to help get park back on track !!!!

    • Bill R.
      Posted at 17:13h, 23 August

      I agrred with you on everything until you got to the part of commending Jefff Wallace and Roy Sweet. They are as much of the problem as the others. Why? No interest to become educated on the policies of the district, No active participation in development of the district, and most importantly two faced talkers. That is all they are worth, just talk.
      This park has had the same scenerio for 35 years. The commissioners have one employee, period. Let the director do his job and the commissioners should do the job outlined in their bylaws. Simple. We will see how the new set up goes, but they had no authority by their bylaws to hire the assistant.

  • jeff
    Posted at 06:04h, 23 August

    The attorney Bill was more than $4600.00. Last month they were borrowing money not sure how that is good money management?
    Approval of lot lease..(again cart before horse).
    Nobody called to check on property taxes..exception to 1 board member….shouldn’t there have been special meetings to get all facts together before voting on it …gain $500000 in 5 years. Ok. Sounds to good to be so probably is…if park has to pay property tax….est. each property tax at least $5000 with residence on it….
    5 homes x 5000 = $25000yr. X 50 years leases
    $1,250,000 property tax estimate
    $500,000 lease income
    $750,000 debt for the park over 50 years. Hope the board got a good credit line !!!
    Tax payers keep your backs to the wall!
    Remember only 1 board member was doing the financial research trying to conserve taxpayer dollars and while couple others were running up the tab to the get the director out that had the best interest of park and taxpayers money…(Gotta get her out she is finding too much) good luck to next director enjoy your term seems to be a pattern….
    Just not sure why no board members have been asked to resign by the board?
    Mr president stand up!!!! Take control of the best interest of the park and taxpayers!!!!
    Same people same position same results!!!!!
    This case more unnecessary debt,
    Any reason

  • mediatracker17
    Posted at 05:12h, 23 August

    Clark County Park District Meeting 8-21-2014 – – Edgar County Watchdogs

  • mediatracker17
    Posted at 02:04h, 23 August

    Clark County Park District Meeting 8-21-2014 – – Edgar County Watchdogs

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 22:11h, 22 August

    Clark County Park District Meeting 8-21-2014 –
