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January 15, 2025

Teresa Boehm’s Two-Count Felony Indictment Was Nolle Prosequi’d Today –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 23, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

According to the Shelby County Docket, the two-count felony indictment against County Board Member Teresa Boehm have been Nolle Pros’d in court this morning.

Nolle Prosequi is a legal term meaning “unwilling to pursue” or “will no longer prosecute.”

The case is dismissed.


Boehm was indicted on January 25, 2024, by a Shelby County Grand Jury on two felony counts; Violation of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act and Unlawful Participation (see page 10 of the Indictment) – both charges stem from holding statutorily conflicting offices.




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  • Kathiann
    Posted at 13:25h, 24 December Reply

    So, the citizens on the Shelby County Grand Jury got it wrong? That seems to be the claim of one commenter here. Surely the jury was instructed in the law on which to make their decision.

  • Half bubble off level
    Posted at 12:35h, 24 December Reply

    Was there any doubt this would be the outcome?

    Posted at 17:33h, 23 December Reply

    No Cynthia, what it means is, when one brings petty BS charges against an otherwise honorable and very well liked person, much less an elected official, the POWERS THAT BE often will do the right thing and file them where they should be, in the garbage can. This is the case of a small county representative, popularly elected, who filled a temporary void on an almost non existing small cemetery board. Yes, a small county cemetery board. The compensation most likely barely covered the gas money tp get to the board meetings. Come along a vindictive States Attorney, himself wrought with past criminal charges, and an equally vindictive County Board majority (subsequently voted out in the last election) and you’re faced with a complete waste of taxpayer’s money. YOU should count your blessings that often crimes are overlooked or deemed not worthy of pursuit. So should the disgraced Former (short lived) State’s Attorney Mr. Hanlon. Had justice been carried out to the full extent of the law, he would not have had the opportunity to serve the short period he did as State’s Attorney. The ONLY THING the vast majority of Shelby County residents and more importantly, voters, find “PATHETIC AND DISTURBING” is the fact that you and your gang were ever allowed an opportunity to bring your vile and criminal act our way.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:32h, 24 December Reply

      Define “vast majority of Shelby County residents” and define what “criminal act” was brought your way…

      • Justice Seeker
        Posted at 11:09h, 24 December Reply

        I believe some of those people who like to say “majority” have not traveled outside Shelbyville nor their tiny circle of like minded minions. If they did, they would plainly know the majority opinion. It is called the silent majority.

    • Dr. Watson
      Posted at 12:34h, 24 December Reply

      Your lack of parenting skill aside, it’s no mystery how Boehm’s ‘honorable’ resignation became a hand to mouth pleading of the 5th. The in and out laws of the Shelby shade are really something to behold!

    • Half bubble off level
      Posted at 12:38h, 24 December Reply

      Would expect less from the creators of SCF!

  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 16:30h, 23 December Reply

    Is it any wonder Illinois is the most corrupt state in the nation? When the judicial branch protects the bad actors instead of the victims, society has lost its way. When those who take an oath to uphold the law and constitution trample those laws under their selfishness and steal from the very ones they are to serve, society has lost its way.

    Not shocking in the Fourth Circuit where state’s attorneys do not have the testicular fortitude to do their job.

  • Cynthia
    Posted at 16:06h, 23 December Reply

    So our laws don’t matter. We might as well fire all the judges and government employees since those hired or voted into office to protect citizens by enforcing our laws are not willing to do their jobs. Pathetic and disturbing.

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