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February 9, 2025

Tinley Park: Senator Hastings Demanded Endorsement In Exchange For State Property –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 1, 2024

Tinley Park, Ill. (ECWd) –

The Village of Tinley Park, and Tinley Park Mayor, Michael Glotz, published a video on the village’s official webpage a couple of months ago detailing the behind-the-scenes operations, and bill passages of the Village of Tinley Park’s attempts at purchasing property (the former 280 acre state mental health center) from the State of Illinois, and the last-minute purchase of that property by the Tinley Park Park District for a “Racino” (a horse racing track with casino and gambling)…instead of the decades-in-planning for the village to purchase this property for other uses.

According to allegations contained in the video:

Representative Robert Rita and Senator Michael Hastings teamed up to amend the “Invest in Kids Act” bill and insert provisions for a Racino, later doing the same with the “Alopecia Awareness Month” bill to provide for the sale of this state property to the park district for one dollar. Rep Rita’s daughter is a Park District Commissioner and also an Illinois Central Management Services (former owner of the property) state employee.

Some of the more damning part of this video include conversations alleging State Senator Michael Hastings’ threats and intimidation against Mayor Glotz, even going so far as demanding an endorsement for election in exchange for [the state’s] selling of the mental health project (to Tinley Park) moving forwards in the Senate, and threats of Hastings to “ruin his (Glotz) life” using his “war chest” to file a defamation suit against him.

Watch the video below:


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  • trskw
    Posted at 12:22h, 01 November

    I would of loved the idea of a racino. Something that would be in money instead of stupid soccer fields that bring in nothing. There already is a rec center in tinley and we don`t need another.

  • Cynthia
    Posted at 10:03h, 01 November

    This is outrageous. Citizens do not want a Race Track and more gambling in Illinois. They should all be arrested. This is the abuse of taxpayer resources. Once again we see how the connected have family and friends in government positions handed out as entitlements for political support. This has me angry and it should anger other people as well
