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March 29, 2025

Same Court Hearing, Different Reporting; Facts Vs. Misinformation –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 9, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

We find it amazing how the “Chicago-based” newspaper, the Shelbyville Eagle, which is based out of Cook County in a suburb of the city of Chicago, Illinois, can get something so wrong, especially a front-page story.

The Shelby County Court Hearing on State’s Attorney Woolery’s subpoenas to the County Board Chairman and the contracted auditing firm, the respondent’s motions to quash and for sanctions, ended with the court quashing (See page 17, lines 19 and 20) the subpoenas and auditing State’s Attorney Woolery’s MX cases (See page 17, lines 9 thru 12). Shelby County residents wouldn’t know this by reading their local newspaper.

The obvious problems start with the title – The county board chair and State’s Attorney did not “settle” any dispute – the Court quashed the subpoenas.


Here are the questions we sent to the Shelbyville Eagle; they have not responded as of publication:

Shelbyville Eagle,

We read your August 24, 2024, article written by Sharon Barricklow, entitled “County Board Chair, State’s Attorney settle dispute” – and have some questions and requests for comment.

We plan to publish an article on these issues later today.

  • Why would you state the subpoenas were “dismissed” when the court transcripts clearly indicate they were “quashed” – there is a big difference in their definitions.
  • Why would you report that Orman provided copies of the draft audit reports to a “political website” when the testimony in court, and the court transcripts, both state that Orman never provided any draft audits to “Illinois Leaks” or the “Edgar County Watchdogs”?
    • For the record, Orman never provided us with any draft audits, they came from the Treasurer as reflected in the court transcripts.
  • Why would you report that “Orman responded to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Edgar County Watchdogs who then shared both draft audits on their Facebook page”?
    • Again, as stated in the court hearing and in the transcripts, Orman provided us nothing – it is not our fault the current State’s Attorney made a statement of fact to the court which was false. The transcript reflects it was addressed by Robert Hanlon during the hearing.
    • We shared the draft audits on our webpage (something you apparently do not have).  The audits were not published or shared on our Facebook page.
  • Why would you reference a “political website”? Which “political website”?
    • For the record, we ( and are not a “political website” as you appear to imply in the article.
    • We are a news media organization (Edgar County Watchdogs, Inc.) set up as an 501(c)(4) and registered with the Illinois Secretary of State as a not-for-profit and News Media Organization.
    • We are, individually and as an organization, members of the Society of Professional Journalists, Chicago Headline Club, Investigative Reporters and Editors, and the Media Law Resource Center.
    • We routinely participate in Extended Media Coverage in the courtroom and have been granted media access to every courtroom we have sought access to.
    • We were granted leave to file an Amici Curiae Brief to the Illinois Supreme Court as a media organization.
    • Seventeen News Media Organizations filed an Amici to the Illinois Supreme Court supporting one of our FOIA lawsuits (The Associated Press, Better Government Association, Chicago Public Media, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune Company LLC, Illinois Broadcasters Association, Illinois Press Association, Injustice Watch, The Media Institute, National Freedom of Information Coalition, National Press Club Journalism Institute, The National Press Club, National Press Photographers Association, News/Media Alliance, Pro Publica, Inc., Society of Professional Journalists, and the Tully Center for Free Speech, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press).
    • We have been granted media credentials by the Illinois Secretary of State (for the House Floor) and the United States White House Press Pool, to name a few.
  • Why would you report that Benford, Brown and Associates are a “McHenry County” accounting firm, when they are clearly located in Chicago, Illinois, in Cook County?
  • Why would you report Robert Hanlon asked the Judge to sanction Woolery for “requesting the subpoenas to Orman and Benford Brown”?
    • The sanctions requested were not for Woolery’s “requesting” the subpoenas to anyone.  The sanctions were requested for all the violations of the rules made on the subpoenas, as confirmed by the judge and clearly in the transcript. We note, Woolery did not dispute a single allegation outlined in the motion.
  • Why would you report the sanctions were rejected?
    • For the record, the sanctions asked for included three parts, as confirmed in the transcript.  The judge denied 2 of the three parts.  To say the sanctions were rejected is only partially true as the judge did in fact audit Woolery’s record as requested in the sanctions motion.
  • Why would you report that a “stop payment” order would be issued for IDOT funds directed at the county?
    • For the record, the letter from IDOT on this matter did not indicate IDOT funds directed at the county would be stopped if the audit was not completed but rather that there were two specific grants that would be subject to stop payment.  That is a whole lot different than “IDOT funds directed at the county”.

Thanks for your prompt consideration,

John Kraft

Edgar County Watchdogs, Inc.


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  • Sadie F
    Posted at 13:52h, 10 September

    John Pogue, it seems you’re implying that because that group is out of Cook county that maybe that tells us why the AG would not prosecute any elected officials..
    ECWD reported above that they personally “are, individually and as an organization, members of the Society of Professional Journalists, Chicago Headline Club, Investigative Reporters and Editors, and the Media Law Resource Center.”.

    If being connected to Cook county makes someone or something corrupt or free from any trouble then it seems that would be any & all connected to Cook County, like Edgar County Watchdogs, too?

    I’m not implying either one are corrupt or free from trouble because they’re connected to Cook County, just pointing out the contradiction there.

    However, if we’re concerned other’s are getting away with things they shouldn’t be and that somehow they’re connected to Chicago I know someone who in my opinion just walked around their ARDC complaint who has ties to St Louis, Chicago, among other places who lives locally. The same persons family was in the supreme court (Potentially even when the ARDC was first formed) were judges and (If i recall correct) and has been attorneys in Shelbyville for over a century. Ironically I know a few of the citizens called out on Bobby Ormans post have stood up to this family previously. Could there be ties? Hmm. I can’t say for sure but I can stack the hell out of some more information that’s compelling and looks likely. This same woman I’m referring to Edgar County watchdogs called out in 2016/2017 and told us if we can’t trust our attorney get a new attorney, same attorneys office happens to be the attorney that should have been at Rose Township meeting to advise the township when appointing Boehm but they were “absent”. Seems if that office can’t answer with honesty to ECWD or show up to meetings to protect our boards, taxes, and citizens/community when they had other attorney’s there that could have filled in then maybe we should use a different office for our townships attorney. There are plenty others locally.

  • Half bubble off level
    Posted at 11:16h, 10 September

    When SCF provides the news story to Ms. Barricklow, you can depend misleading information being reported.

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:50h, 10 September

    The leftwing Chicago media is trying to gaslight us! Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a CRUEL form of mental and psychological ABUSE in which FALSE information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sometimes sanity. The leftwing media doesn’t report the truth, they use their position of power to supervise formation of public opinion. Plain & simple! Chicago, stop telling us lies as if they are the truth….. we know the truth isn’t in you!

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:45h, 10 September

    Chicago wants to control all the media in the state. Just like the NAZIS controlled all the media in Hitler’s Nazi Germany. They want total power, they want to supervise formation of public opinion in the state.

  • John Pogue
    Posted at 16:05h, 09 September

    Being that the Shelbyville Eagle is run by a group in Cook County tells us all we need to know here in Shelbyville. Maybe this tells us why the AG would not prosecute any of our County employees and elected officials when asked to do so. Can the local reporter and the SCF both being paid by Cook County newspaper group? Asking for a friend.
