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March 28, 2025

Shelby County – Nichole D. Kroncke Passed Away?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 23, 2024

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

For the record, it is our understanding Nichole D. Kroncke is alive and well.

However, according to a letter from American Express to the Estate of Nichole D. Kroncke, she passed away.

“We are very sorry to hear about the death of Nichole D Kroncke and would like to take this opportunity to express our sympathy.”

Why would they think she passed away?

The letter is focused on informing the estate of Kroncke that the American Express Business Card account ending in 891004 has been canceled.  We have not found any Estate filed with the court so it is rather odd that American Express would be under the impression she passed away.

We know that the American Express card Kroncke utilized while in office was account number 378000739891004, which contains the same last 6 numbers referenced in the American Express letter to the estate. We know the full account number because the current State’s Attorney failed to redact the account number in a recent Freedom of Information Act request. We also know the American Express letter is directly tied to the card utilized by Kroncke when she was a State’s Attorney because of our communication with the Illinois State Police.

The account was still open after Kroncke left office and we now know the account was closed after her departure.  That leads to the questions we have been unable to get answered:

  • Who had the account closed?
  • Based on what authority?
  • Who notified American Express that she passed away and what proof was provided?
  • Why did an account that was a public office account get closed based on what appears to be a fraudulent representation of the death of the person who opened the account?

There are a lot more questions regarding matters around this credit card and we will continue to publish some very troubling records over the next several weeks and months, and rest assured some will have a lot of crow to eat.

Nichole Estate letter



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  • Chatty IP
    Posted at 12:56h, 28 August

    I’ve learned that to be true by recent personal experience. Only one recorded, me. Called me back on a non recorded line it seems too. As I asked him questions where his story didn’t add up or changed he determined he was just going to “close” it and not right a report. I said no, I want you to right a report and document it all. Guess what though, he didn’t.

  • Chatty IP
    Posted at 10:34h, 28 August

    It’s quite interesting that the account was closed for “death” right after files were also “missing” from the states attorney office after she left but yet never investigated as to who, rather than just investigating one name.. Why did Coles county have files they could bring in to replace our missing files? Bizarre..

    If this woman was going to commit a crime of a false death it wouldn’t be holding a state position right after she left it, I wouldn’t think. She would be smart enough to know how quickly that would be caught. I know nothing shady about her or her husband despite the comment above seeming to pin them as criminals.

    A local commented this year on fb about “the guard” still being alive and well, so, if that theory is true, could that be who would have the knowledge to do something like this? I can’t confirm anything on who “the guard” is but if it’s a reported death (that’s really alive and well) then it would make sense who couldn’t be a suspect… a person thought to be deceased. 🤷‍♀️ All hearsay, I can’t confirm facts or the name of the “guard”, just a comment on Facebook this year.

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 10:44h, 28 August

      Lots of questions never asked by law enforcement. They do not like investigating their own and history indicates they only do enough to close out a case.

      Not one question about the missing Facebook page, which was an official page and public record. It is gone.
      Not one question about the missing files, only emails.
      Note one question about the 3 Amazon Prime memberships paid for by taxpayers for 1 office?
      Not one question about who told American Express that the name on the card had passed.

  • cynthia
    Posted at 15:47h, 23 August

    Wow just wow. I think and know that some people go to law school so they can commit crimes. Not all but some..

  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 14:49h, 23 August

    Probably one of the most corrupt state’s attorneys in Illinois. The crime she and her husband have gotten away with because of their positions and connections is special. She fits in perfectly at the state level.

  • PK
    Posted at 13:58h, 23 August

    A person named Nichole Kroncke appears to be gainfully employed as a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR for the STATES ATTORNEYS APPELLATE PROSECUTOR.

    Given the date of the letter, it would be reasonable to assume that Shelby County officials notified the former Shelby County States Attorney Kroncke, and that Ms. Kroncke responded by taking appropriate and necessary legal steps to resolve a probable false claim on the Estate of Nichole D. Kroncke. It also seems incumbent (literally) on Shelby County States Attorney Woolery to investigate the suspicion of fraudulent activity on any Amazon Business Account utilized, in whatever part, for making purchase reimbursement claims against the county. Decorum, decorum, decorum.
