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September 26, 2024

Charges Dropped – Lincoln Way D210 Superintendent Walks Free Due To Health Issues

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 28, 2024

Will Co. (ECWd) –

We were the first to break the stories back in 2015 of massive corruption at Lincoln Way District 210 that involved more malfeasance under one unit of government than we have ever seen.  Most of the articles can be found at this link. Lawrence Wyllie, the former D210 Superintendent, will not see a day in court for his actions that led to multiple federal criminal charges due to health issues.

Morris Pasqual, Acting US Attorney, filed a motion to dismiss the criminal charges today citing Wyllie’s medical condition and inability to assist in his defense.

In the meantime, Wyllie will continue to reap a $31,985.04 monthly pension check on the backs of the people he took advantage of.  Had he been prosecuted and convicted he would have lost his pension. With the evidence the government had there was little doubt he would not be convicted.

Will claims of medical conditions causing an inability to assist in your defense become the next way for crime to pay in our judicial system?

Wyllie Motion To Dismiss



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  • Dawn Earl
    Posted at 18:41h, 28 June Reply

    What an outrage! This is another slap in the face of law abiding citizens!

  • Joanne Schaeffer
    Posted at 19:02h, 28 June Reply

    And there you have it, all on the taxpayers back.

    • frauds play
      Posted at 16:05h, 29 June Reply

      while worker bees and real industry get little to no pension and work whole lives – sick world sick state

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:51h, 29 June Reply

    $32,000/month pension??? OUTRAGEOUS!

  • John Pogue
    Posted at 11:24h, 01 July Reply

    Must have Bidens attornies. If they have all the facts how would the defendant add anything but a psychologist? There are alternatives for imprisoning those with conditions.

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