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February 6, 2025

Former Sen. Sam McCann Taken Into Federal Custody Pending Trial –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 12, 2024

Illinois (ECWd) –

Former Illinois State Senator Sam McCann underwent procedures in a hospital the same day he was schedule for trial on the 2021 indictments on charges of misusing campaign funds. He apparently failed to notify federal probation authorities when he arrived at his home after he was released from the hospital.

According to the federal docket, McCann entered the hospital for medical diagnostic testing on February 5, 2024, and the court was notified. The court then issued a subpoena to the hospital for his medical records.

On February 6, 2024, the government requested the trial start on Feb 7th, and requested McCann be released from the hospital. Defendant was ordered to communicate with the probation officers upon release. Trial was rescheduled for Feb 12, 2024.

On Feb 7, McCann communicated to probation officer that he was released from the hospital and was on his way home.

He failed to notify probation after he arrived at home, did not reply to a phone message asking for a return call, and did not comply with the probation office’s request.

On Feb 8, the government filed a Motion to Revoke Pretrial Release and asked for an immediate hearing. This motion alleged Mccann “repeatedly violated his conditions of pre-trial release by, among other things, providing false and incomplete information to the Court and failing to comply with this Court’s most recent order to communicate with the probation office.” They also allege he has not complied with verification that all firearms had been removed from is residence.

On Feb 9, a hearing was held on the motion to revoke, the court ordered revocation of McCann’s pretrial release after reviewing his cell phone data – “the Court finds by clear and convincing evidence the Defendant has violated his conditions of pretrial release and that it is unlikely the Defendant will abide by his conditions or any combination of conditions of pretrial release.”

Defendant was then arrested and placed in custody of United States Marshalls pending trial.

Trial is still scheduled to begin today, February 12, 2024.

*We first wrote about McCann’s and his alleged illegal campaign donations received from a public (government-owned) hospital in July of 2016.

order revoking pretrial release mccann








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  • Dave
    Posted at 11:20h, 12 February

    The federal government is nowhere in the Constitution granted authority to restrict, in any fashion whatsoever, guns, ammunition, etc. So, ALL laws made by Congress, ALL regulations made by the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco (BAFT), are unconstitutional as outside the scope of the powers granted to Congress and to the Executive Branch by our Constitution. All pretended regulations made by the BAFT are also unconstitutional as in violation of Art. I, Sec. 1, U.S. Constitution, which vests ALL legislative powers granted by the Constitution in CONGRESS. Executive agencies have no lawful authority whatsoever to make regulations of general application, the president and congress have NO constitutionally granted authority to create a dictatorial agency to circumvent the LAW of the DOC and U.S. Constitution.

    When you look at it from the perspective of limiting the federal government to its “enumerated powers”, it all becomes very easy and clear. We haven’t been looking at it this way because we are so ignorant of our Constitution that we don’t know that it delegates “enumerated powers” only to the federal government. The Truth is, that when WE THE PEOPLE “created” the federal government, we itemized (“enumerated”) in the Constitution all the powers WE delegated to it. We nowhere delegated to any branch of the federal government power to restrict, infringe, etc., guns, ammo, etc. . The U.S. Constitution protects our 2nd amendment God granted right to self-defense. NOW see why you must point to The Declaration of Independence (2nd para) and assert that your right to keep and bear arms to be able to self-defend comes from GOD and is Unalienable as is stated in the Declaration of Independence. The federal government has only “enumerated powers”. NOWHERE in the Constitution did we delegate to the federal government authority to impose ANY restrictions on guns, ammo, etc. They violate our Constitution when they impose these restrictions.

    • Dave
      Posted at 13:43h, 12 February

      Error correction: where I typed DOC,(1st para) I meant DOI (Declaration of Independence )

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret)
    Posted at 10:22h, 12 February

    I would think that anyone under federal indictment would go out of their way to dot their “I”s and cross their “T”s to ensure they didn’t get crossways with the court.
