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October 19, 2024

Dolton Mayor Henyard’s Failure: 13 City Vehicles Getting Repossessed; $76K In Delinquent Payments –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 16, 2024

Dolton, Ill. (ECWd) –

Just like her previous failed businesses (bounced checks, failure to pay rent, unsanitary restaurant, state involuntarily dissolved her business, failed to pay contractual payments, deep in debt with community college, among other things), Henyard is “leading” the village of Dolton on the fast-track to nowhere, except bankruptcy.

Recently, more of Henyard’s failures resulted in Dolton’s police and fire department telephones being disconnected, Henyard electioneered with a Cook County Judge during a township event, placed police license plates on township vehicles illegally, and the Secretary of State Police confiscated the plates off the fake township police vehicles.

On Valentine’s Day 2024, the bank sent the village of Dolton a certified letter detailing how the village was $76,138.00 past due in contractual lease payments for 13 vehicles (which includes 6 police patrol vehicles), including one held as collateral in a $332,761 contract from 2019.

The bank indicated previous attempts at obtaining payments, and the village ignoring communications from the bank since May of 2023, has led the bank to demand the vehicles be provided for repossession.

The letter indicates the bank plans immediate repossession, that they will sell the vehicles to recoup what costs they can and will pursue additional costs, interest, and legal fees through the courts until they are made whole.

Copy of letter below:


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  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 10:40h, 22 February

    Saw a segment on Chicago Fox 32 indicating that the FBI has begun investigating and conducting interviews regarding Queen Henyard.

  • Dave
    Posted at 10:16h, 17 February

    Wow…… incompetence or hiding something

  • John K
    Posted at 13:34h, 16 February

    Thank you for your efforts. At times, it seems the two of you are trying to clean the Augean Stables.

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 10:58h, 16 February

    Don’t count on ISP performing an in depth investigation or asking tough questions. Don’t expect the AG to prosecute malfeasance even if it slaps them in their face. When there is no accountability, transparency, or consequence, Illinois will continue to be one of the most corrupt states in the country. Sad but true.

  • Daniel L Sleezer
    Posted at 09:32h, 16 February

    John & Kirk — I know you feel frustrated as your efforts are in the middle of all this malfeasance, mismanagement and in many cases illegal activities. And as a long time reader of your work I cannot understand how. this behavior even when exposed can continue. I understand that much of this behavior falls short of “illegal”, but who decides?? Is it the Attorney General’s Office and/or the Illinois State Police? If so, it appears that they are not doing their job! Your recent example of the ISP performing a token ‘investigation’ that woefully fell short of normal investigatory standards. To maintain my sanity I have to just throw up my hands and attribute it to the lack of strong leadership and the one-party system in Illinois, and there is not much I can do about it. I keep voting though to do what little I can do.

    But hopefully you don’t get to that point and please KEEP SHINING THE LIGHT ON THESE LAZY, SELFISH SOBs!!!
