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January 15, 2025

Shelby County – Closed Session Recording Indicates Dive Team Narrative Not Accurate

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 30, 2023

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

A recent vote to release closed session minutes of the County Board disclosed a lot of information that refutes the narrative being pushed by members of the Dive Team and a few of their supporters.  While the closed session minutes shed new light on some matters, those minutes also include inaccurate information, proven as such in the closed session recording.  Specifically, the indication two prior State’s Attorneys approved the dive team policy regarding charging fees is not accurate and evidence of that was disclosed in the closed session recording. Those details were not included in the written minutes. We covered that point in our video article at this link.

Closed Session Audio Recording

The closed session recording, unlike written minutes, captures people’s vocal inflections and tone which paint a much more distinct record of what actually took place than can be put on one page of paper.

Anyone willing to listen to the entire recording will quickly learn the false narrative being pushed by a select few regarding the dive team and why they were given a temporary stand-down directive appears to be nothing more than an opinion unsupported by facts.

The spoken words explain the entire chain of events which led up to the stand-down directive and clearly reflect a board who worked diligently to ensure the dive team and the county were protected and could be stood up properly as soon as possible.

We urge everyone to listen to the recording and compare what was discussed in that meeting to the claims being made about the dive team shutdown directive.

You can download the closed session recording at this link.



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  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 17:30h, 31 October

    One cannot argue with the audio recording. What some propagandists would like the public to believe is clearly debunked by this audio.

  • JohnThomas
    Posted at 14:05h, 30 October

    Here you go again. Providing factual information as a basis for your argument vs. using emotions and feelings.

    Do Washington University’s doctoral programs omit or ignore fact-based reasoning when candidates argue their thesis before the committee?
