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October 19, 2024

Attorney Ed Flynn Misled New Sangamon Valley Water District Board –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 13, 2023

Mahomet, Ill. (ECWd) –

During the May 1, 2023, meeting of the newly elected Sangamon Valley Public Water District board meeting, we discussed during public comment the issue of a lame-duck contract allegedly entered into between the outgoing appointed board and Veolia for the purpose of managing and operating the water district properties.

We discussed, from the Public Water District Act:

  • the fact a water district does not possess the statutory authority to contract those functions away to a private company
  • the fact the alleged contract was not properly placed on the meeting agenda for any action
  • the fact the alleged “general manager” of the district is required to devote all of his time “exclusively to the affairs of the district, not to the company who employs him or her (See Section 7)
  • the fact that Violia, who was apparently contracted to act as the general manager cannot devote their time “exclusively” to the affairs of the district, as they are a private company with other contracts to manage
  • the fact the statute does not permit contracting with a general manager, they can only appoint one
  • the fact any general manager may be terminated at any meeting of board with a majority vote (regardless of any alleged contract)
  • the fact that an outgoing board cannot “bind the hands” of an incoming board, which also makes this alleged 5-year contract invalid
  • we suggested the new board find a new attorney, and no longer use the services of Attorney Ed Flynn.

When the suggestion of a new attorney was mentioned, Flynn told me and the board that he had prevailed against us, the Edgar County Watchdogs, See approximately the 18:38 mark in the below video, and continued when questioned about his misleading statement.

ECWd has had no court cases anywhere in which Flynn was involved.


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  • Michael James
    Posted at 18:02h, 31 May

    I do not like Ed Flynn…But I would request ECW research and report on what he is talking about regarding Shelby County.

  • Kerry Gifford
    Posted at 00:40h, 14 May

    Another typical manipulative story by John Kraft with cherry picked portions of the Illinois Public Water District Act.
    I agree ethically it was wrong by the outgoing board to commit to a five year contract but you will find out it is all legal.
    Someone needs to remind John Kraft he is not an attorney nor is he smart enough to be one stay in your own Lane! Fake News!

    • Paul Kane
      Posted at 18:37h, 15 May

      Why is it important for you to overlook Mr. Kraft flagging the Open Meetings Act in your commentary?

      What expertise have you to claim “it is all legal”? Case law?

      Did you see how the attorney “prevailed” in the district and appellate court? I’ll guess no.

      • Michael James
        Posted at 12:31h, 01 June

        Who prevailed and where?

  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 19:24h, 13 May

    Ed Flynn smells corruption and runs to it to enrich himself. He will face justice at some point.
