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March 29, 2025

Violence Erupted at Pritzker Campaign Event in Charleston, IL. –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 29, 2022

Charleston, IL. (ECWd) –

Governor Pritzker spoke at a campaign event open to the public and sponsored by the Coles County Democrat party, at the Charleston Public Library on Thursday, August 25th.

While Governor Pritzker was touting his record, a Coles County resident and fitness business owner shouted to Pritzker reminding the governor that his executive orders required the shutdown of his business (the business owner’s) during COVID, but the governor left all the fitness rooms open in the Pritzker’s hotel franchises during the same time.

Pritzker supporters then proceeded to physically accost the Coles County resident who addressed the governor. One Pritzker supporter even walked down several rows of chairs to participate in the assault.

After leaving the event, the resident indicated to us that Pritzker’s security followed him after leaving the library grounds in what he felt was intimidation for speaking up.

We are working on securing the video footage and understand there are around 6 different camera angles documenting what happened, which were supplied by attendees disgusted about the assault. We also understand the State’s Attorney referred the incident to the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office for a review and charging decision on those participating in the violence. Once we receive all the footage we will follow up with a new article.

Towards the end of his presentation, Pritzker commented “there is always one in every crowd” but failed to condemn the violence that occurred while he was giving his speech.

There has been no news coverage of this violent incident, which is not a surprise to us.



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  • Susan Seiler
    Posted at 09:19h, 04 October

    I was at this event, the man who spoke up was directly behind me. There was never any violence of any sort. The man stood up, yelled about his gym, others in the crowd stood up to see what was happening, some booed him, JB’s security then escorted the man out quietly, the man cooperated nicely, the crowd sat down. JB continued speaking. It was over in less than a minute and there was no violence.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 07:19h, 05 October

      Sure. We are publishing the video later today. Your comment will not age well.

  • David Bishop
    Posted at 21:46h, 30 September

    He has no right to preach about health until he figures out why he’s a 100 pounds overweight! PROBIOTICS DUDE!!!!

  • K n
    Posted at 17:34h, 30 September

    Yet another peiece of right-wing propaganda from these clowns. Aww poor idiot acting out of order got “acosted” aka dealt with. ECW is such a goon right wing organziation. This comment will be “cancelled”, too. Watch-

  • Bob Biggins
    Posted at 11:09h, 30 September

    Pritzker speaks untruths. Find out what he did for his rock band before being told by Penny to drop the
    band and run the state with her 💰run for guv and give up the band business!!!

    • Cindy
      Posted at 17:15h, 30 September

      He had a rock band? EEEEW!

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 21:35h, 29 September

    I’m going to make one statement on this.
    I’m not going to engage in an adolescent back and forth, so here ya go:

    Thank you so much Cynthia for (1) demonstrating your lack of logic and maturity in your statement by making an adolescent flat assertion/generalization that “ALL (emphasis added) felt like Trumps insurrection group did nothing wrong.” (2) making another flat assertion and generalization that anyone who disagrees with this incident of violence is also a Trump supporter or supported “Trumps insurrection”. (3) demonstrating your lack of logic and intelligent decision-making, as well as your abandonment of a basic belief in the Rule of Law, and just as importantly…in every American’s freedom of speech, by asserting that the use of violence or intimidation by “Pritzker’s people” is simply an acceptable act to “defend him” and (4) clarifying your position on violence by implying that if it suits one particular point of view, ideology, or political faction…it’s ok.
    BTW Cynthia…check it out:
    720 ILCS 5/12-3 BATTERY: (Class A Misdemeanor) A person commits Battery if he or she knowingly without legal justification by any means (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual

    720 ILCS 5/12-3.05 (c) AGGRAVATED BATTERY (Class 3 Felony- Based Upon Location): The person battered is on or about a public way, public property, public place of accommodation or amusement…(other unrelated elements listed).

    720 ILCS 5/12-3.05 (d-1) AGGRAVATED BATTERY (Class 3 Felony – Based Upon Age of Victim): The person battered is a person 60 years of age or older.

    Nothing in the statutory language makes allowance for an individual or a group to batter an individual on the pretense of defending a politician’s mistakenly perceived “right” to speak uninterrupted in a political speech.

    Who thinks that? Freedom of speech and the right to voice dissent is the bedrock of democracy.

    Since when is mob violence – to silence an opposing point of view – tolerable by any civilized, law-abiding, conscionable individual, group, or society?
    NO ONE/NO GROUP has the moral high ground when it comes to protecting their point of view with violence.

    Violence that is illegal I.E., not legitimately authorized by law in a statutorily defined “defense of self, defense of other, defense of property” situation is NEVER acceptable.

    • Brian Marvin
      Posted at 21:06h, 30 September

      Well stated!!!

  • Judy Decker
    Posted at 20:28h, 29 September

    He shut down Illinois over COVID. Made businesses close no travel no going to restaurants. But yet his businesses got to stay open, his family went to Florida, they went to Wisconsin to dine and party. He’s nothing but a liar a hypocrite and a crook who should be in prison.

  • Brandon Young
    Posted at 17:22h, 29 September

    There’s more than one of you worthless pig😡😡

  • Cynthia Smith
    Posted at 15:04h, 29 September

    Oh because Pritzkers people defend him it’s a problem.You all felt like Trumps insurrection group did nothing wrong.Now you want to talk about Hitler really.

    • Rose B
      Posted at 11:37h, 30 September

      Jan 6 was NOT an insurrection. Do your homework. The people that died were killed by either heart failure or the capital police. Soooo…. Yes REALLY. Hitler. This man spoke up because he lost business and his livelihood to be able to take care of his family because of PRITZKERs lockdowns that did not apply to him. Rules for thee and not we…. You CANNOT assault someone for verbally speaking discontent….. that’s something you can and should be arrested for. Trump had over 600 rallies and there was never one act of violence at any of them. PRITZKER is acting like a Nazi fascist yes. You need to come to terms friend. It’s a big club and we are not in it. I will stop taking health advice from him and follow unnecessary lockdowns when he can show me he cares about his own health and loses 250 pounds. WAKE UP CYNTHIA!!!!! Say a prayer, open your eyes, look around you and ask God to show you the TRUTH.

  • Kahiann
    Posted at 10:34h, 29 September

    The Dems never condemn violence when it is in support of their agenda, so we must assume that the violent ones are working FOR them (even if not officially) as Hitler’s brownshirts bullied people and stirred up violence. Every event is most likely seeded with those types just in order to bring about these kinds of incidents. Heck, I even bet that’s always the plan and we the people better start catching on. What to do about it will take a Higher Wisdom. We have seen the FBI stir up the plot to kidnap the Michigan governor and were on hand on Jan. 6, to egg on mob action by unsuspecting patriots. There’s always a trap because we are dealing with a political party that can’t win on their ideas. They alway have to revert to machinations, gaslighting, and violence. Let’s go back and study Marxist history. Who do we think is blowing up and burning down food and fertilizer plants in this country? I would bet the farm on those “brownshirts.” Pritzker is also now throwing his weight around on Facebook apparently. I was flagged for re-posting information about the so-called SAFE-T ACT.that someone didn’t like. Expect that to ramp up the closer we get to the midterms.

    • Joan Matarrese
      Posted at 20:02h, 29 September

      I really appreciate your article, it was very informative. At last it is nice to see someone brave enough to speak your truth. I hope that it will change somebody’s mind about what is going on.

  • Dave
    Posted at 09:46h, 29 September

    The brown shirt Nazis did the same violent things for Hitler. More proof Pritzker is a fascist

  • John Manspeaker
    Posted at 09:20h, 29 September

    Thanks for sharing this item as corporate media would either ignore or gloss over this incident. I look forward to your follow up. Anyone else suspect that any charges filed will be against the business owner for Disturbing the Peace…?
