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March 29, 2025

Edgar County Jail Sex Tapes Posted On Internet Linked to Corrections Employee

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 28, 2022

Edgar Co. (ECWd) –

The Edgar County Jail is once again making a name for itself under the leadership of Sheriff Jeff Wood.

The Illinois State Police are investigating the alleged videotaping by a corrections officer of an inmate on the toilet engaged in some kind of lewd act and then posting it online to a TikTok account.

We understand the County’s HR representative is also aware of the allegations, and terminations and/or suspensions may come as soon as today.

This information has been kept from the county board for at least a week.

A Freedom of Information Act request was submitted to the Sheriff for the following:

  • Copy of all complaints, reports, communications, or other information of Deputies, Corrections Officers, or others allegedly filming, taking photos, or videoing prisoners or anyone else using the toilet or in the toilet areas, and then allegedly posting such video/photos on social media or the internet.

We expect the FOIA response will be denied as the matter is currently under criminal investigation however certain records are in fact subject to FOIA regardless of any ongoing investigation.

This is not the first scandal to plague the Edgar County Jail under Sheriff Wood’s watch.  When an employee was terminated in relation to alleged fudging of her timecards, Wood commented that “it’s not like we all haven’t fudged our time sheets from time to time. Articles are here and here.

Then there is the custodial sexual misconduct alleged against corrections officers (here) which went unprosecuted by former State’s Attorney, and now-Judge Mark Isaf.

Wood was also found to have violated a citizen’s civil rights which lead to the county paying a $350,000.00 settlement as covered in this article.

Wood is seeking re-election as the County Sheriff.

We will update you with a new article once we get responses back to numerous FOIA requests.





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  • Donna Tackett
    Posted at 21:05h, 06 October

    Hello, I posted the 2 comments earlier an I dont know if those an a phone number I found for I was hoping for the same place an left a message. All I know is I’ve been fighting with Pinckneyville correctional center for a lil over a yr now called leasons they don’t help I sure hope their work is volunteer if not aint no reason for us tax payers to be given them a check anyways for the 1st time an all those daily calls to Pinckneyville correctional center an the run around an the disconnections an the lies they would tell me. An after I wrote here last wk they already starting tomorrow Pinckneyville are finally complying with Springfield an 30 inmates are being transfered from Pinckneyville correctional center to their designated centers that Springfield felt would help them inmates with the re-entry into society. SO IF ANYONE WHO MIGHT HAVE SEEN MY MESSAGES OR GOT MY VOICE MAIL FOR HELP. I JUST WANT TO SAY THKS U SO MUCH NOW I CAN CONSINTRATE ON FINISHING SETTING UP IN A WHOLE NEW PLACE WHERE NOBODY KNOWS OUR NAMES AN ME AN MY SON START A WHOLE NEW LIFE ..SO IF ANYONE KNOWS IF THIS WEBSITE AN THE PHONE #I GOT OFF IT TO CALL AN AN BEG FOR THE HELP IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOR WELL OVER A YR AN HALF NOW ..I just wanted to say THANK YOU.IF IT WAS YALL THAT GOT PINCKNEYVILLE FINALLY MOVING YALL ARE GOD SENT ANGELS ON EARH TO CORRECT THE RIGHT FROM THE WRONG ..MY SON IS 1 OF THEM 30 INMATES FINALLY GONG TO THE DESTINATIONS SPRINGFIELD PUT IN ORDERS FOR NOW FOR MINIMUM 4 MONTHS OR LONGER I WANNA SAY ME AN MY SON THK U . 💔 That their is so many corruption going on in the IDOC an the head of IDOC didn’t or doesn’t know that the individual reports being sent to them are not truths about majority of our Wonderful IDOC so now they know theirs corruption an it can be modified. Thk u so much signed me an my Son for possibly giving us a whole new chance at a new life .You keep on ur crusade an I hope their are lots of donations going out to yall that are actually in their fighting for the inmates in our IDOC an if not people don’t know how to help u help us ??? God bless u all that really care.❤️‍🩹.

  • Donna Tackett
    Posted at 17:34h, 29 September

    Pinckneyville correctional center in Pinckneyville Illinois is not updating their files an not obiding by the Head of the IDOC ‘s rules an guidelines for their correctional center .Dr Percy Meyers the medical dr at 70 yrs old is not only in charge of Pinckneyville correctional center I mates he is also an acting dr at another correctional center within 30mins away from Pinckneyville that I feel is to much for 1 dr to be put in chargeof at the age of 70 an their are multiple lawsuits that have been filed their to many to count between the 2 facilities please help get the minimum inmates transferred to their approved destinations before minimum inmates start getting injured or possibly even injured or killed this facility is breaking the laws set in place to keep inmates safe .therefore I feel thwy are no better than the inmates that broke the law .the employees of Pinckneyville correctional are also breaking the therfore are no better that the incarcerated inmates their classification at Pinckneyville due to all of the newly transferred maximum inmates should be changed from mediate to maximum but see they are not wanting to an are not updating files cause if they update files it changes everything. Co’s pay rate has to go up due to a more dangerous facility an much more .Don’t let this be overlooked until their is a severe incident stop the corruption an lies an unupdated file to the Head of the IDOC headquarters thk u .

  • Donna Tackett
    Posted at 17:15h, 29 September

    I am asking for Pinckneyville correctional center in Illinois be investigated its classified as a mediate security prison yet thwy are not updating their files properly they have max mediate an minimum all in that same prison they have been on 23/24 lock down for over a yr now thwy are continuously moving in more max an are not moving Springfield approved minimums out to where they have already been approved to be transferred this is a serious situation an extremely dangerous for the minimum inmates that are supposed to have been transferred an are not being sent to their new destinations please help .

  • Lisa Marie solomon
    Posted at 22:56h, 28 September

    Wonder how much other things that been covered up that no one knows about.

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 14:21h, 28 September

    Well…in keeping with past practice, I wonder if the employee will be allowed to “resign with dignity”?

    • Cindy
      Posted at 20:36h, 28 September

      Oh, my!
