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March 28, 2025

Dale Colter Enters Plea of Guilty in Theft from Paris Fire Protection District –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 22, 2022

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) –

This morning, Judge Matt Sulivan accepted Dale Colter‘s negotiated Guilty plea for Class A Misdemeanor theft.

Colter was sentenced to:

  • 2 years’ probation
  • 180 days in Edgar County Jail, with 1 day credit for time served and 178 days stayed
  • Fined $439, plus $700 fine, plus $600 PSF, and was granted $30 credit for time served
  • State acknowledged restitution was complete
  • granted leave for out of state work

Dale Colter is a former Vermilion, IL. volunteer fireman who repeatedly used the fire department’s credit card to put fuel into his personal vehicle.

We first reported this in October 2019 and included some of the more than 50 separate video footages from the gas station allegedly showing these transactions.

The fire department referred it to law enforcement, and (now-former) State’s Attorney Mark Isaf charged him with felony theft, which was later reduced to Misdemeanor theft under a negotiated plea deal.




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  • Greg G
    Posted at 12:15h, 24 July

    This happed at a IDOT yard in Monticello IL. Two years ago. Employe was on video using State Credit Card at local gas station buying gas for his personal vehicle on several occasions

    and was not arrested. or prosecuted.. After an investigation by IDOT employed admitted to the theft and was allowed to resign from his job. Maybe someone from the Paris Dist. HQ

    could comment on this? But don’t count on it, They never comment on personnel issues.

  • Publius
    Posted at 12:30h, 22 July

    Madison County should bad aggressive.
