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February 14, 2025

Man Seeks to Unseal Records of Chief Judge and Wife –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 8, 2021

St. Clair Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Brad VanHoose took the time to talk to us today about his research into Appellate Prosecutor David Rands, and also his filing of Petitions to unseal certain (DUI) records of Chief Judge Gleeson and the judge’s wife that he says were improperly sealed.

VanHoose filed two separate petitions to unseal the records, they have not been heard by the Courts as of this publication.

He explains his long battle to successfully overturn a Circuit Court conviction of misdemeanor assault. The Appellate Court overturned the conviction with a unanimous vote.

He further explains how he came across evidence of records sealing and things he has found in his research on the Appellate Prosecutor and some of the results of those prosecutions.

The Madison – St Clair Record published an article on the petitions to unseal records yesterday (here).


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