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March 13, 2025

Edgar Co. Airport Firebombing: No Suspects After 8 Years –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 18, 2021

Paris, IL. (ECWd) –

November 18th, 2021 is the eight-year anniversary of the firebombing at the Edgar County Airport where two aircraft were destroyed by unknown suspects in the middle of the night.

In all the passing years, there is no evidence the Edgar County Sheriff’s office has done so much as to lift a single finger towards solving this case, and probably never will.

Our hope is that anyone who knows anything about the firebombing of these two aircraft will come forward with any information they may have so that those responsible can be brought to justice. We do know that someone out there knows something about this, and most likely more than one person was involved. It is time to clear your conscience and come forward with whatever information you may have.

Explosive devices were found. (here) 

Spray painted on the side of the aircraft were the words “Fuck Rob” and “This is our airport” indicating, to us at least, that this was a personal grudge against those who were questioning activities at this airport and had some personal interest in the airport.

We later learned that because of an outstanding bill owed to the cell phone company in another case, the state police did not request cell tower data during their investigation of this crime (see the email here). According to sources within a state agency, one issue that could have shed light on those responsible for the double-airplane firebombing would have been access to Verizon cell phone tower data – which could not be had due to Illinois’ failure to pay their Verizon bill incurred thru a double-murder investigation years earlier.

This made it impossible to track any cell phones in and around the airport before and during the commission of this crime – which also made it impossible to prove any person or persons were in the area at the time.

We do know that only one of the original four or five “suspects” agreed to be questioned and undergo a polygraph (read the article HERE). Three others refused.

Incidentally, there was also a plane crash in 2014 kept secret from the public – it occurred on Edgar County Airport property and nobody saw anything…even though it was towed into a hangar after the crash, and was later decertified and exported to Bolivia, in South America.. There were a variety of stories told, including that a deer was on the runway – but that story failed when after the crash, the former airport manager told IDOT during a meeting we attended that they did not need funding for fencing because they never experience a deer problem on Edgar County Airport property.

Robert Bogue’s partial statement on this subject:

Of course, this event followed the crash of my son’s airplane and his death on his mother’s birthday. Many of us, myself included, believe this was not an accident. The calendar shows this date to be August 27th, 2013. Two thousand thirteen, was an horribly eventful year for his mother, father, brothers, wife, daughters and many, many friends of this family. In retrospect there are somethings worth mentioning.

In the most recent years Sheriff Wood and his department found themselves accounting for lost records in this case. This came about in a FOIA suit lodged against Sheriff Wood and his department.

Yes, the FOIA case was successful and as a result of the suit some of the missing records were found. Eventually, the Sheriff demonstrated to a judge’s satisfaction, that after many attempts and the subsequently finding of some of those lost records they, had conducted a diligent search. That is all that is required in a FOIA suit. So, how would I know about the missing records?

Several years earlier, a FOIA request to the Edgar County Sheriff’s Office resulted in more records than were initially supplied in this second go around. This time, in my overlapping request on the same matter to Sheriff Wood and his department: the request was for all records (to include any provided by any other outside agencies). In addition, on the same date a FOIA request was made to the Illinois State Police for all records sent to Edgar County. Guess what?

The Illinois State Police provided well over 200 full pages of the final report sent to the Edgar County Sheriff’s Office. The Edgar County Sheriff’s Office initially provided less than 100 of those same pages…and later….more records were “found” but collectively never amounted to any where’s near the single report that I know of to be the ISP final report (well over 200 pages). Lots of pages are missing. Most notably, interviews of all involved……Maybe someday, there will be justice in Edgar County.





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1 Comment
  • Greg G
    Posted at 10:35h, 19 November

    This is as I have said before, Edgar County, Nothing to see here move along.
