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October 19, 2024

Watchdogs File Suit Against Bonnie Kurowski, Fight For IL, IL Reporter, and Erik Phelps in Federal Court –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 9, 2021


Editor’s note 4-22-2023:  We updated this article with new photos.

After several attempts at coming to an agreement with these named Defendants, which were met with more false statements, threats, and unreasonable demands, we took the only action left for us to take; filing a federal lawsuit in the Middle District of Florida.

We named the following as Defendants:

  • Bonnie Kurowski
  • IL Reporter, LLC., a Florida LLC
  • Fight For IL, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit
  • Erik Phelps

We suspect there will be more defendants, and will add them as more information surfaces during our prosecution of this suit.

There are many, many more of the offending statements than what we included in this suit, all of them will eventually come to light.

Read our Press Release (here):

ECWD Press Release 6-9-2021


Download and read the federal lawsuit (here) or below:



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  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 09:05h, 19 June

    A clear intent to disparage, undercut and destroy, the real Illinois hero’s that are cleaning up our corrupt Illinois government.. Shame on Bonnie and Erik.

    Obviously two swamp critters escaped from a FLORIDA roadside freak show and the hot stinky mud where they feasted on rotting dead animal carcasses..

    I say, take your tail riding, carpet bagging, free loading, shell game back to the swamp where you belong and stalk your own residents.. Slammer down justice system!

  • Dave
    Posted at 16:24h, 09 June

    Good luck to you, watchdogs….. BK needs to learn

    All persons may speak, write and publish freely, being
    responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In trials for
    libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published
    with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a
    sufficient defense. ~ (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    With liberty comes responsibility

    • Say No to Bon Bon
      Posted at 06:52h, 10 June

      Free to speak does not mean free to lie. She stated several times that she was paid to do what she did. Shame on her and everyone that watched it and said nothing.
