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March 28, 2025

East-West Gateway Council Member Mike Walters In Another Alleged Conflict Of Interest With Madison County Transit –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 1, 2021

Madison Co., IL. (ECWd) –

We previously wrote about Madison County Board Member Mike Walters’ alleged financial conflict of interest with his “consulting” contract with Madison County Transit (MCT) (here).

Now we have learned that Walters was also appointed to the East-West Gateway Council (EWGC) of Governments.

The EWGC’s bylaws have conflicting sections. In Section 2(7) where is lists members of the Board of Directors, it states “Regional Citizen or elected county or municipal official from the County of Madison” – but in Section 3. Appointment of Regional Citizens, Subparagraph “A. Eligibility”, it clearly states that “Regional Citizens shall not be elected officials.”

As part of his appointed job as a Director of the EWGC, Walters votes on grant funding for Madison County Transit – the very government he has a $5000 per month consulting contract with, and the government with which he was placed in the position of voting for one of its Directors, who in turn, votes to pay Walters (and actually signs the checks).

Here is what we have so far:

  • Walters is a county board member
  • Waters is also appointed to the East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWGC)
  • EWCG votes to approve millions of dollars in federal and state grants to Madison County Transit
  • Walters may be called upon to vote for appointing a board member to the Madison County Transit
  • Walters enters into a contract with Madison County Transit
  • Madison County Transit (which includes the appointed board members) vote and approve the Walters contract
  • Walters uses his county email for his private contract work

Wrapping it up: Walters votes to appoint his boss at MCT (from his position as Madison County Board Member), votes to pay his bosses at MCT (from his position on EWGC), all while his bosses at MCT vote to approve his consulting contract every month.

We would hope that any effort to seek an opinion from the Attorney General’s Opinions Bureau would also include this tidbit of information for their consideration.

More on this in future articles.





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  • GW ONE
    Posted at 08:24h, 18 June

    Just learned this past week how many elected Republican office holders have hired family or friends to County positions. Also am looking into County contracts that may have been awarded to friends and family categorized as no bid contacts. As I’ve said before the Republicans in Madison County learned well from Democrats whom perfected the hiring of friends and family. Isn’t nepotism in hiring for positions government against the law.?

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 07:59h, 09 June

    Does Madison County have a State’s Attorney to handle what seems to be a cut and dried matter? Walters, can solve part of the problem by resigning his position on the County Board and keeping his lobbying job, or vice versa.

  • Spike Protein
    Posted at 03:17h, 03 June

    I love seeing corruption being exposed like this.

    So far, the local media, including the Belleville News Democrat, Alton Telegraph, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Madison-St. Clair Record, Riverbender, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, KTVI, KSDK, and KMOV have yet to cover this topic.

    This might be understandable if Madison County was some small, remote media market with only one local news outlet that might either be friendly with the subject in question or not want to rock the boat, but that isn’t the case here.

    This is a large, suburban market and the most of the outlets listed above are owned separately from each other as far as I know.

    The exception is the Alton Telegraph and Edwardsville Intelligencer which are both Hearst newspapers and share staff and articles.

    The Madison-St. Clair Record tends to lean right and all of the other outlets listed above tend to lean left.

    It’s noteworthy and disappointing that such a large variety of outlets have failed to cover this important topic yet.

  • Thrasher
    Posted at 16:22h, 01 June

    What is the process for removing a sitting County Board representative?

      Posted at 19:15h, 02 June

      I don’t think there is one…thats why it’s a crime. I think the SA sent it to the IL AG for an opinion so we will know if anyone will do anything in two years. It’s also funny local media hasn’t covered the story.

  • PK
    Posted at 12:16h, 01 June

    Another disgusting Illinois political scheme is spot-lighted by Illinois Leaks. Get wisk broom out for sure, but this clean-up might need a snow shovel.

  • Publius
    Posted at 11:48h, 01 June

    GW ONE right you are, you do not have to look any further than the Treasurers office to see the unqualified McRea boy is second in command to know the Republicans are learning bad habits. It’s all about the jobs, not the constituents.

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 10:19h, 01 June

    Republicans learned well from Democrats when it comes to hiring. Republicans have teamed up with others Republican elected officials to have family, friends and friends of friends hired in various County offices and departments. I wonder if the family and friends hires are qualified? I wonder if the family and friends hiring program pays family members and friends more?
    I wonder if these jobs were created as patronage positions recently, or jobs existing already to reward select people? How about a County Ordinance prohibiting nepotism when hiring is done in Madison County.?

  • Buffalo Tracer
    Posted at 09:22h, 01 June

    How dumb can these people be? It’s like a quid pro quo circle jerk.

    Posted at 07:49h, 01 June

    How could they allow a paid lobbyist from MCT to vote on federal funds for MCT? Oh wait! It’s Madison County where the corrupt Democrats have taught the corrupt Republicans how to line your own pockets and ignore the law and the taxpayer.
