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March 14, 2025

Thaddeus Jones Took Office Today As Calumet City’s First Black Mayor –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 1, 2021

Calumet City, IL. (ECWd) –

Thaddeus Jones is a current Illinois State Representative, was the first Black Alderman in Calumet City, and is now the first Black Mayor in the history of Calumet City, Illinois.

Jones took his Oath of Office at the noon meeting today in a packed room.

Jones also helped elect the first black Alderwoman today, Monet Wilson.  Her son announced today that he has chosen to attend Morehouse College which is where Dr. King attended.

Jones’ wife Saprina Jones was in attendance.  His mother and mother in law , whom he also referred to as “mother” today, were also there.  His mother is a recent Breast Cancer Survivor.

His two sons were there as well.

Illinois Supreme Court Justice P. Scott Neville, Jr., administered Jones’ Oath of Office.

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  • GG
    Posted at 17:23h, 13 May

    I see a man getting sworn in office, I don’t judge a person by his skin color just the content of his character. Too bad blacks and whites can’t do the same!
    Shame on the democrats who have kept the blacks down for decades now thinks it’s their job to elevate blacks. They promise the black man everything in return for their vote but the day after the election they forget all about them!

    Joe Biden is just another democrat that panders to the black vote!

  • Larry Ferguson
    Posted at 17:46h, 03 May

    I agree 100%

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 09:36h, 03 May

    Great accomplishment and congratulations to him. Yes, there are racists in America but America is not systemically racist. After all, we did elect a president with “dark skin” and I’m sorry I even have to say those two words!

  • Black Excellence 365
    Posted at 21:04h, 01 May

    That’s what we all hope for. However even today, black people are still be judged by the color of their skin. If everyone thought like you, he wouldn’t have had such a rough road to becoming the mayor. Others that remain silent in the face of modern day racism continue to let it happen. The watchdogs are the few that speak out every opportunity they can and help fight it.

  • jannie
    Posted at 18:11h, 01 May

    Nice accomplishment. However, I am hopeful that someday it won’t be a big deal black/white/whatever. Male/female. He/She they were the best candidate for the position. I personally vote for the person whatever color or gender or party they are – Whoever appears to be the best for the job. Congrats to the New Mayor.
