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October 19, 2024

DuPage Township On Anti-Black Activity Database For Extremist Activities –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 17, 2021

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) –

DuPage Township, Bolingbrook, Illinois has made the map on the Anti-Black Activities Database – in the Extremists Affiliation category and in relation to the racist noose/confederate flag flyer mailed out by “Citizens Against Benford” a few weeks ago.

These types of activities are unacceptable, and should be condemned wherever they occur.



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  • Ang
    Posted at 07:41h, 19 March

    Regarding the posters arguing media sensationalism:

    The Unite the Right hooligans and the Capitol rioters were not sensationalized by the MSM.

    That crazed violence was real. Get your head out of the sand; these people are very dangerous and they’re out there.

    • PK
      Posted at 14:22h, 19 March

      Real insight here dismissed with a dunned ostrich. C’mon ANG, adjust your filter.

  • Dave H
    Posted at 15:25h, 17 March

    I’m no expert, but these kinds of things often end up being false-flags, perpetuated by people with an agenda. With all the media, Hollywood, and university divide-and-conquer strategy I’m seeing lately, it wouldn’t surprise me if someone with an agenda is behind this disgusting event. You guys are great!

    • Joe Mancino
      Posted at 00:00h, 18 March

      Well in this case there are no false flags. This was a direct racist hit on a local candidate and it is disgusting. And I really don’t know of one single instance when there was a “false flag” in a case such as this, not one single incident. This is pure racism.

      • Dave H
        Posted at 09:53h, 18 March

        I get it, Joe. If you watch, listen or read MSM, it is very easy to believe all these stories about vile racist events. What you may not realize is that journalism is nearly extinct, and most reporting now days is opinion and very carefully orchestrated narrative. Over the past 10 years I’ve come across dozens of stories that started in the MSM as disgusting racist events, sensationalized for months, only to discover later that the truth was completely different. The MSM rarely publicizes the retraction, which is how they continue to divide us, as the damage was done. Once you realize the consolidated media’s power (thanks to the Telecom Act of 1996), you can start to see how they can play on our emotions to keep us all locked up, divided, and fearful. Strange times.
