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March 28, 2025

House stolen from Avon Township . . . by the Supervisor

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 30, 2020

Avon Township, IL. (ECWd) –

We have written about Avon Township Supervisor Terre Wilke several times, with the most recent article explaining how the alleged annual township meeting of the electors failed to comply with Illinois Township Law.

It was at this meeting that the electors “voted” to “ratify” the purchase of a house (which they do not possess the statutory powers to do) and then “voted” to sell the house owned by Avon Township to a non-profit operated by the Township Supervisor – an illegal vote because the meeting did not comply with state law, and there was no resolution adopted – the sale did not comply with provisions of the Township Code nor the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, and because there was a conflict of interest.

Supervisor Wilke took action to transfer the real estate last week and submitted paperwork that appears to be forged to effectuate the real estate transfer with the county recorder. We used the word “forged” because he was not authorized by the township board to sign his name to transfer the real estate.

Read THIS ARTICLE for a detailed explanation of the alleged Annual Town Meeting of the Electors.

In addition to the previous article, the transfer of deed last week violated the Township Code all on its own, and the County Recorder of Deeds failed in their duty to demand compliance.

Section 105-10 of the Illinois Township Code sets forth certain requirements for deed transfers as follows:

  • (60 ILCS 1/105-10)
    Sec. 105-10. Deed. When any conveyance of real estate is made by a township, the deed shall recite the order of the township meeting directing the conveyance. The recital is prima facie evidence of the making and contents of the order. The deed shall be signed by the supervisor in his official capacity and attested by the township clerk unless the meeting ordered that the deed be made by some other officers or persons.
    (Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

According to our copy of the deed, none of the above were completed, which should make it easier for the township to claw back that real estate either thru a civil lawsuit or thru an appeal to the county recorder of deeds.

We also suggest law enforcement investigate this real estate transfer as real estate theft and the evidence be presented to a Grand Jury.

We discussed this issue with an Avon Township Trustee and a member of their Finance Committee in the video below:


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  • GW ONE
    Posted at 08:18h, 05 January

    When will the States Attorney investigate? Maybe the problem is that he/she works for the State which means they could care less about the citizens in the. County that voted them into office. Clock is running.

  • PK
    Posted at 12:06h, 31 December

    I would contribute $30 to a gofundme type account to suit per Mr. Kraft’s suggestion. …if also for nothing else but to empower the passion of Michele, the trustee.

    BTW, Lake County is one of the wealthiest counties in the state.

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:45h, 31 December

    You just can’t make this stuff up….

  • John Q. Public
    Posted at 11:28h, 31 December

    Wow – the Township Supervisor runs a “non-profit.” The Township Electors, which the Supervisor – in essence, oversees or has a direct relationship with – “purchases” a house. The electors then vote to sell the house to the non-profit that the Township Supervisor runs???? I continue to be amazed at the crap that elected or other public officials do, and think 1-that it’s ok and/or 2-that no one is going to say, do, or question them about it. Did they not think there would be an appearance of impropriety or at least some questions in this purchase and re-sale? I’m not alleging there was any criminal intent. Perhaps the electors were simply trying to help the non-profit that the supervisor oversees (what is his exact position in that 501c3?). HOWEVER, I am interested to know more about the non-profit. I’d like to know its actual 501c3 status, its annual reports, its IRS filings, “compensation” to officers/board members, the paper trail on the house/property and any other info on the house, any pending actions on the house/property, who/what entity owned the house (deeded) at the time it was purchased by the electors, where did the $ go that was paid for the house, how was the house deeded AFTER the sale, what the intended use of the house was to be and if there is anything to back up or to refute said intended use of the house. I-N-V-E-S-T-I-G-A-T-I-O-N…PLEASE!

    • Jacqulin Klauss
      Posted at 15:07h, 03 January

      As an FYI in response to John Q,: The electors did not vote to transfer the property to the Avon Cares NP. Supervisor Wilke held an illegal meeting of a group of people, that held an illegal vote to transfer the property to Mr. Wilke’s self proclaim charity Avon Cares.

  • GW One
    Posted at 09:48h, 31 December

    This might be a bad joke but for the fact that the transaction is fraudulent. States Attorney should take this matter up right now. If the States Attorney fails to engage I will refer this fraudulent transaction to other authority that would see this matter for just what it is.
