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March 27, 2025

Election: Emergency Restraining Order Granted Against LaSalle County Clerk –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 24, 2020

LaSalle Co., IL. (ECWd) –

An Emergency Restraining Order was Granted against the LaSalle County Clerk as requested by the LaSalle County Republican Party.

A LaSalle County Judge Ordered:

  • requires county clerk to maintain status quo of ballots and flash drive containing mail in ballots
  • discovery

The only relief denied was the part about restraining clerk from certifying election since she had already completed the certification.

Previous article (here).

Last week, the LaSalle County Republican Central Committee had filed for an Emergency Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction against the LaSalle County Clerk, Lori Bongartz, in her Official Capacity, alleging certain inconsistencies and election code violations in the processing and counting of ballots.

Today’s Order comes from their initial filing.




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  • w
    Posted at 00:23h, 25 November

    All IL. County ballots should be audited given the widespread and obvious fraud,ballotdumping,flipping,lost ballots,unsigned absentee ballots,dead voters superpowers to vote from Beyond,etc.Does Not matter the party or candidate,but rather the Upholding of the IL. Constitution,The U.S. Constitution,The Bill of Rights,and U.S. Sovereignty.

    • Mags
      Posted at 09:04h, 25 November

      Agree with you 100%. Not one election should be certified.

    • David Fred
      Posted at 06:38h, 02 December

      I know, because Trump tweeted about it a lot, let’s recount every single vote in the entire country. With all these claims of ‘massive voter fraud’ it is now obvious that a lot of republicans have gotten in on the action! I’d start first with all the Red states that use the Dominion voting machines, because as we all now know, all the Biden votes were too easily switched to Trump votes! I trust that the Sid & Rudy Show are right on the case,and have already gathered evidence and statistics!

  • PK
    Posted at 22:54h, 24 November

    nobody cares about the Lassalle County, Illinois court ruling on the elections. The court cares not for the adherence of state law in Lassalle County, Illinois. The court cares for the status quo being elected again.
