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March 14, 2025

Governor Pritzker Loses Motion to Vacate Darren Bailey Case – Clay County Order Stands

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 19, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

Illinois Governor Pritzker has lost his motion to vacate the Clay County order in the Darren Baily case.  As we suspected would happen, the judge ruled that the Clay County Circuit Court did have jurisdiction to issue their order.

This being the case, the original findings against the Governor in the Darren Bailey Clay County case stands.

A copy of the Judge’s Order can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

Video of the Hearing is HERE.

Motion to Vacate Denied



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  • Anita Sweater
    Posted at 05:28h, 22 October

    Why is he not in jail for flaunthing the law?

    • HT
      Posted at 13:29h, 22 October

      The AG serves as his personal lawyer, so, I’d say no, he can do whatever he wants.

      MI has the same situation, where it’s Supreme Court already ruled against that commie governor, and she went and put on even more restrictions right after the court ruling.

      Also, less than 2 weeks until the election, so ramp up the fear to keep the other side at home. Just look at every other dem tyrants in other cities/states. Not a coincidence. And if the Chinese virus fear isn’t enough, they’ll again encourage more “peaceful protests” to make sure no one dare to get out of the house.

      Just watch.

      America as we know it, is done. It may be a good time to split up the country into 2 sections.

  • Katie
    Posted at 17:51h, 21 October

    Watching from Florida where we have a governor that is republican and has done the same thing. You all are silly for being angry someone is slowing the spread. No surprise your areas are raising in rates.

    • PK
      Posted at 18:12h, 21 October

      As for dumb comparisons, just watch and complain about the weather.

    • HT
      Posted at 20:29h, 21 October

      Like what PK said….

      Comparing IL to FL? Missing your memory meds?

  • debby
    Posted at 01:23h, 21 October

    we lost the day he became govenor

  • kevin ford
    Posted at 16:35h, 20 October

    What district, city do you live in?

    • Kathiann
      Posted at 10:05h, 22 October

      I live in White County, Darren Bailey’s 109 district.

  • Tony
    Posted at 14:35h, 20 October

    So, if someone ends up harmed as a result of the false belief that his orders are still in place, wouldn’t it be possible to perform a citizen’s arrest seeing has how the supreme court of IL stayed Clay County’s warrant order?

    • HT
      Posted at 15:06h, 20 October

      The sheep mentality that has been herded in for decades providing comfort to us all will most likely keep folks from standing up for anything, As long it’s happening to someone else, it’s not really happening.

      No get back to social media on our phones!

  • kevin ford
    Posted at 13:22h, 20 October

    I live in Sangamon County and virtually no one believes that the Clay County Ruling encompasses ALL of Illinois. They tell me because the ruling was handed down in Clay County no other counties are impacted. It’s as if they don’t want to be free again and have gotten used to the tyranny. It is so frustrating!
    On the other hand if the district attorneys are still prosecuting businesses for not following the illegal mandates, which is happening what is a person to do? These attorneys cost money. I called DeVoure’s office who i fully support, but it was $275 an hour to talk to him. Do any of you have any advice? What are the district attorneys in your area doing?

    • Kevin Brannigan
      Posted at 14:31h, 20 October


  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 09:29h, 20 October

    Michael Thomas…liked your comments. . You are correct, this game is not over and “The Pritzker” will likely continue dragging this out because our legal system allows it, because it’s not his money and most of all because it serves his upstate political interests.
    Illinois residents; taxpayers; loose every minute this continues. The value of justice in Illinois is undermined by a process so slow and onerous that it’s easily circumvented. and one, that rarely.. if ever, imposes penalties of consequence.

    The State of Illinois needs to leave the State of Chicago.

    • Frank Miller
      Posted at 12:00h, 20 October

      Penalties, sounds like justice to me. Disgorgement and reparations are next.

    • Michele Thomas
      Posted at 15:17h, 20 October

      Thank you Robert. I like your comment too.

    • David B Dillon
      Posted at 19:15h, 25 October

      True words. If you can find your way to the presidential ballot I would vote, or at least donate a $1 🙂 to the cause 🙂

  • kathiann
    Posted at 08:22h, 20 October

    Our States’ Attorney and Law enforcement officials made their stance known months ago. No law, no enforcement. I don’t expect that to change. The people must rise up and take ownership of their government again. And that starts by refusing to lockdown again.. Other state supreme courts are finding agreement with the Clay County ruling and I expect that to continue as business owners push back on this. They really have no choice, it’s either that or go bankrupt. Let’s just hang in there and keep plugging away. Right will prevail.

  • Mags
    Posted at 07:45h, 20 October

    Time to put some pressure on the State’s Attorney’s in your County and make sure they uphold the Constitution of the State of Illinois and uphold our rights. They have all been AWOL throughout all of these months.

    They did not care because they were all getting full pay, benefits, raises and were counting on Federal COVID dollars to line their pockets even more.

    • HT
      Posted at 12:44h, 20 October


      Bingo! They’re all still getting paid for not doing much, if any, work at all Same w/ all of the teachers, who are fine w/ the perpetual lockdown.

      Now that it’s imminent that Federal money isn’t coming, especially after 11/3, both Pugsley and mini-commie Left-foot are starting to brace their threats of cuts to push for more taxes, while blaming the Chinese virus to hide their collective decades of stealing from the public.

  • Michele Thomas
    Posted at 22:45h, 19 October

    Good grief, I just read the ruling and look at all those dates at the end! He still has WEEKS to play games!! This order stands NOW, but the news probably won’t report it yet again so most everyone won’t even know. Now, yet again, Pritzker has weeks to play around with this. As of four hours ago he’s spewing his garbage on twitter. So still overall we the people keep losing and this “new normal” gets imbedded into our society.

  • Dave
    Posted at 22:30h, 19 October

    The Illinois constitution prevails

    • HT
      Posted at 12:49h, 20 October

      Has the IL Constitution, or even the US Constitution, really prevailed?

      We have a handful of originalists, and an army of revisionist illiterates who’d rather transcribe the Constitution to Mandarin.

      If the Constitution really prevails, we should know exactly the punishment of these tyrants the minute after the court rules.

      I can’t definitively answer that simple question.

  • PK
    Posted at 20:20h, 19 October

    Deft cadence, elegant places.

  • Michael
    Posted at 19:59h, 19 October

    So once again you have to ask why Pritzker has not been arrested for contempt of court??????????? These rulings mean nothing if they are not enforced.

    • Meg Liu
      Posted at 21:37h, 19 October

      Absolutely! We all know he won’t stop until he’s physically removed from the podium where he pontificates.

    • Michele Thomas
      Posted at 22:37h, 19 October

      Yes!! This MUST stop!! The news must report on this and Pritzker must be must stopped!!

  • Deb Lawson
    Posted at 18:48h, 19 October

    Kuddos to the Judge, lawyer, and Bailey!
