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March 14, 2025

IL. Rep. Diane Pappas response to constituent void of truth, misrepresents court cases –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 7, 2020

Bloomingdale, IL. (ECWd) –

Constituent: “Ms. Pappas, I would like to discuss this with one on one. You stood on my doorstep and asked for my vote. I am now asking you to stand on my doorstep and discuss this with me.”

Pappas replied:Regrettably, due to the healthcare crisis, I am not able to stop by your home at this time.”

Meanwhile, on Illinois State Representative Diane PappasFacebook page are photos of her downstate tour, to include photos of her in Albion, Illinois, in a group of people where none of them are wearing face masks, and none are social distancing.

Are we supposed to believe this “healthcare crisis” took a break on July 1 in Albion so she could take these photos? Would she meet with her constituents in Albion instead of Bloomingdale? There was absolutely no reason for her to lie about meeting in person, all she had to say was, no, you are not important to me and we will not meet to discuss this.

Additionally, Pappas spread more misinformation about the Bailey v. Pritzker ruling out of Clay County – you would think an attorney, such as Pappas, who was recently accepted into the Illinois Supreme Court Bar, could take the time to read the Order and provide accurate information.

A constituent question to Representative Diane Pappas:

Ms. Pappas, I would like to reach out to you and find out why the judgment that came down Thur is not being followed. This judgment Voids the EO’s since April 8th. Please let me know your thoughts. As a citizen of Illinois, I want my voice heard and I can’t seem to get anyone to listen to me. Please advise.


“Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts regarding the enforcement of the July 2 ruling in Clay County Circuit Court. I appreciate hearing from constituents on this and all other issues facing our community and state.”


“Although I haven’t had a chance to read the Clay County Circuit Court ruling, it is my understanding that although the judge issued a ruling, he did not issue a corresponding injunction against the Governor’s Orders. Additionally, a ruling of a Clay County Circuit Court applies only in Clay County, not the entire state of Illinois. As such, it’s not enforceable in Cook and DuPage Counties.”


  • Count IV, which was the request for an injunction, was voluntarily withdrawn by Plaintiff Bailey. Asking for an injunction against an Executive Order that was declared void ab initio, or “void from the beginning” would have been counterproductive, and would have required the Court to recognize the EOs were actually valid and the Plaintiff needed protection from them. If a law, or in this case an Executive Order, is declared unconstitutional or void, there is no need for an injunction against it.
  • Additionally, the Clay County Court applied it to every person in every county in the state. Why she would say it only applies in Clay County is beyond belief. She is an attorney and should know better. The Clay County Court Order is enforceable in Cook and DuPage Counties and every other county in Illinois.


“Also, as you may be aware, numerous other courts who have had a chance to weigh in on the Governor’s powers have ruled in the Governor’s favor. Most recently, on July 4, US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh issued a ruling in a lawsuit filed by the Illinois Republican Party that upheld the Governor’s ban on political rallies of more than 50 people during the pandemic. In light of the many rulings by other courts upholding the Governor’s orders, the Clay County Circuit Court ruling appears to be an outlier and there is reason to believe that it will be overturned on appeal.”


  • The “other courts” in the state have not heard the cases on the merits as they did in Clay County.  Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh did not issue any ruling on the Governor’s ban on political rallies of more than 50 people. Justice Kavanaugh simply declined to hear it since it should be heard in the Federal Appeals Court first, not bumped up to the SCOTUS while still pending in the Appeals Court.
  • There are no state court rulings by other courts upholding the Governor’s orders – the other courts simply declined to issue emergency injunctions against them. The Clay County case is a final ruling on the merits of the case, which no other court has ruled on. Finally, none of the other cases are arguing the same points as the Clay County case argued, so even if there were rulings on them, those rulings would not affect the Clay County ruling.
  • Even if Pappas believes the Clay County case will be overturned on appeal, that is not an excuse to ignore the ruling while it is still a valid and enforceable ruling. Remember, the State did not ask for a Stay in the court’s order, which means the order was and is valid and applies across the state from the minute it was signed by the Judge.

We reached out to Rep Pappas’ office by telephone for comment, but have not received a response as of publication.


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  • Regina Noland
    Posted at 21:39h, 09 July

    Stacy same thing.

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 16:07h, 07 July

    Has anyone sent this ruling to Her Majesty, Queen Lori??? She still seems to think she can rule as she wants.

  • Stacy
    Posted at 15:41h, 07 July

    Are these people terrible lawyers or blatant liars? Or both?

  • PK
    Posted at 14:41h, 07 July


    In the vernacular of data-minded persons on planet earth, what an unsavory use of the data term “outlier.”

  • Kathy Sands
    Posted at 11:29h, 07 July

    Words mean very little to some lawyers these days except for how they can manipulate truth. Good on you guys for staying on top of this and explaining the details. I know it’s a tremendous amount of work…and caring about the truth, instead of the matrix the state is creating.

  • Lyn P
    Posted at 09:12h, 07 July

    The gaslighting about the “interpretation” of the void ab initio order will be pushed to the Nth degree. Disgusting how these politicos fight to the death for their leanings and power to the severe detriment of the people they are supposed to be working FOR.
