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March 28, 2025

Rep Bailey’s Clay Co. case v. Gov Pritzker to stay in Clay Co.

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 15, 2020

Clay Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Rep Darren Balley’s lawsuit attacking Gov Pritzker’s executive orders was heard in Clay County this afternoon.

Bailey’s Motion to file amended complaint was granted.

Pritzker’s Motion to move the case to Sangamon County was denied.

Bailey will file Motion for Summary Judgment on Monday.

Pritzker to file answer by Thursday.

Summary Judgment Motion will be heard next Friday, May 22, 2020, in Clay County Circuit Court at 1 p.m.
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  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 07:41h, 16 May

    Certainly we’re all anxious to see the end of a dictatorial form of confinement, to one that follows due process and compliance with the law. It seems, our Gestapo governor now faces judgement and in this case, justice will likely prevail. Thank you Representative Bailey for standing tall.
    There is another story to be told. One concerning the Attorney General’s Office and how it has functioned on this and other matters.
    If you have waited for one, two, and three years or more years for a FOIA or pubic access issue to be resolved…as I have, and others have, you would understand. (Our neighboring state, requires such matters to be determined in less than 60 days).
    Citizens attempting to hold Officials accountable for criminal behavior are worn down by the lengthy delays introduced by the AG’s office.
    It appears, when it serves the prevailing political interests; the AG and his “Office” can rise to the occasion in minutes to argue for the Gestapo. When not…stand in line with hat in hand, possibly for years.
    Now more embarrassing stuff from those well paid government officials: conflicting AG opinions and failure to disclose same.

  • Catherine Ann (Cathyann) DeLarche
    Posted at 00:07h, 16 May

    Thanks again to the Edgar County Watchdogs for keeping me informed. I’ve actually hand-distributed copies of your Due Process article to the restaurant owners here in St. Charles, IL to inform them of their statutory rights concerning the IDPH and county health departments regarding the consent of the business owner to close their business and the burden of proof by the health department to obtain a court order if consent is not granted by the business owner. So far out of the 22 businesses I visited, only 1 was aware of the law, and that’s because the owner’s spouse is an attorney. Of course, none of the businesses were contacted by the IDPH or the Kane County Health Department, so therefore their consent was not given. It is very disheartening to find out how many people don’t know their rights, and shocking how many hundreds of thousands readily gave up their rights and freedoms because of fear.

  • Robert Hagerstrom
    Posted at 22:37h, 15 May

    Is Clay County in Illinois. I thought Peoria was at the south end of the state.

    • Mischelle
      Posted at 17:39h, 16 May

      Think Cairo.

  • Jeri
    Posted at 20:25h, 15 May

    About time these political big heads are put in their place. Don’t dictate beyond your authority to a free country.

  • Bea Jay Laughton
    Posted at 16:26h, 15 May

    What awesome news, one step closer to winning back our FREEDOM!

  • Mavis
    Posted at 14:46h, 15 May

    Stop Pritzker!!

  • Dave
    Posted at 14:11h, 15 May

    Good news indeed!
