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March 28, 2025

APEX-Lincoln Land Wind paying ~$100,000 for one set-back waiver –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 4, 2020


According to the Siting Application posted to Morgan County’s website, APEX-Lincoln Land Wind has a signed contract with a landowner for a Set-back waiver and easement for underground wiring for the Lincoln Land Wind Farm.

Fee Schedules of this type are rarely made public, and thanks to Morgan County we are in possession of one of them.

You can download the entire document here, (UPDATE: Since publication, Morgan County has censored this document from the public – download and read it in a new article HERE) while it is still available on the county’s website. The Fee Schedule is on pages 2276-2278 of the pdf.

This contract is worth at least $100,000.00 to the land owner, with payments of $85,577.95 for the set-back waiver, which includes $15,000 for a preconstruction payment, and $2.00 per linear foot of entrenchment containing underground facilities.

Additional payments may be made for compaction of soil during construction, and damage to crops and livestock.

Fee Schedule Pages from lincoln-land-siting-permit-complete

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1 Comment
  • jannie
    Posted at 10:59h, 04 March

    sweet deal — unfortunately we (taxpayers) are actually paying for these deals — All it is to fulfill some magic “renewal energy” button. We hesitate to tell people to car pool, drive slower, use energy efficient cars, use mass transit as that doesn’t make big money for large (for the most part foreign) companies. Some solar and geothermal seem to make sense. Without the subsidies by the government Wind turbine generation wouldn’t exist. And, as a leaning left person – I think there needs to be transparency of these companies, how much spent, energy (not number of houses) produced. How much spent by wind companies to buy out people who have sued and had to leave their homes when turbines placed close to homes, etc.
