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March 28, 2025

Illinois State Senator Fine wants to ban your gas-powered leaf blower

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 14, 2020

Springfield (ECWd) –

As if the Illinois Legislature has nothing better to do……..

First, they want to ban you from pumping your own gas, now this.

Illinois Senator Laura Fine has proposed legislation SB3313 that ban’s gas-powered leaf blowers.

No, this is no joke. 

In fact, if the proposed legislation passes, a person could face up to a $500 civil penalty!

Why is such legislation needed according to Senator Laura Fine?

  • (1)gas-powered leaf blowers are detrimental to the health of the citizens of the State of Illinois and the quality of the environment
  • (2)two-stroke and four-stroke engines used in gas-powered leaf blowers emit exceedingly high rates of pollutants, including, but not limited to, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and hydrocarbons;
  • (3)the chemical pollutants that gas-powered leaf blowers emit can contribute to smog formation and acid rain
  • (4)gas-powered leaf blowers generate noise at a decibel level capable of causing hearing loss in a short amount of time;(5) gas-powered leaf blowers send dust and other small particles into the air for considerable distances,
  • (5) gas-powered leaf blowers send dust and other small particles into the air for considerable distances including, but not limited to, animal feces, trace quantities of heavy metals such as lead, and allergens such as pollen and mold.

We encourage Senator Fine to first review the Federal government regulatory rules on emissions for small equipment.

One can only speculate how she intends to “trump” Federal Regulations.

Let the phone calls begin!
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  • DEFan
    Posted at 23:46h, 21 February

    Do away with gas blowers, sure so we now use batteries instead. Ok, so where do we get most of our electric power, not the windmills that can’t store power. No, coal fired plants and nuclear energy plants (which we need more of). What are you going to do with all these million of batteries from cars, blowers, computers, flashlights, headphones, mowers…the list is endless so lets put more crap in our landfill. Dumbocrates just don’t have a clue.

  • Jerry
    Posted at 13:39h, 21 February

    The level of stupidity that comes out of Springfield is remarkable. Democrats must be proud.

  • Gina LoCascio
    Posted at 05:55h, 20 February

    Hahaha!!! Seriously! I am sorry, what a joke.

  • Patricia Ann DE LONCKER
    Posted at 17:46h, 19 February

    Stop coming up with ridiculous ideas.
    Trying to make gadspowered leaf blowers iilleagal is ridiculous! Who cuts your lawn?I am sure you have a service who uses gas blowers and gas lawn mowers!
    Leave people alone. Stop trying to make a name for yourself with these crazy, uncalled for ideas

  • Russ
    Posted at 15:44h, 19 February

    To the few true Dems that are left and to the people that just don’t care: it’s time to get your head out of dark recesses they are in and remove these detriments to society. If allowed to implement this type of manure legislation what do you think is next. I’ll give you some examples: weed whips, chainsaws, lawnmowers and any other gas powered tools you can think of, up to and including your vehicle(s). Grow a pair and do something right. VOTE FOR SOMEONE WITH HALF A BRAIN.
    – A former Dem

  • Joseph Rayborn
    Posted at 11:20h, 19 February

    Time to get your ass’s voted out of office dam democrats

  • brian rigoni
    Posted at 19:17h, 18 February

    get ready ! a farto meter may be the next thing they try impose !

  • Tim m
    Posted at 16:28h, 18 February

    How about you work on lowering our taxes, instead of worrying about this shit, you and your friend Lilly , with can’t pump your own gas !!!!!

  • Jada
    Posted at 22:41h, 17 February

    This woman has obviously never worked outside cleaning up leaves or grass clippings in her life. I doubt she’s ever stuck around long enough to watch other people do the work either. A battery powered or electric blower works about as good as a hair dryer. They have no power and the time it would take to clean up an average yard with one would be far more wasteful than using a gas powered blower. This bill would harm all landscaping and lawn mowing businesses. I don’t know what constituent she is playing to but it’s obviously not the average blue collar worker. And it’s also not the people that pay us to clean up their yards. I guess that leaves apartment dwellers. A huge majority in Chicago perhaps but not so much in the rest of the state.

  • Steve
    Posted at 13:29h, 16 February

    So I assume the State of Illinois will by our used gas powered leaf blowers and replace them with electric blowers of the same CFM and enough extension cords rated for the amount of amperage required to safely operate it around 4 acres? Doubt it!

    • brian rigoni
      Posted at 19:37h, 16 February

      kindah funny ! ban GAS POWERED leaf blowers for emissions, but forgot about the dust thing, with electric, gotta ban them as well ! Stupid, not thought out at all ! I’m on your side Steve !!

    • Lindsay Karnes
      Posted at 08:44h, 08 March
  • Weezey
    Posted at 13:23h, 16 February

    Get back to doing what you were elected to do! You tree hugger!

  • Derek G
    Posted at 13:12h, 16 February

    If gas powered leaf blowers were running quietly, I would not be against them. But some of them are making noise comparable to the noise of a fighter jet during take off. And some owners of these blowers seem to enjoy using them judging from frequency and duration of their use. But, what is the pleasure for one, may be a torture for the other. And the law says you can’t prevent your torturer to do harm to you. No physical force allowed to stop it, not to even mention using the weapon. You will go to prison for trying to protect yourself. Is this a freedom? What kind of freedom is it? This is TYRRANY! TYRRANY of noise loving psychopates!
    If gas blowers can’t be made to run quietly, either ban them or ban all trees in residential areas. No more those damn leaves and no more NOISE! It won’t look pretty when all trees are gone, but at least it will be quiet.

  • Ed Crotty
    Posted at 12:55h, 16 February

    She’s right. One of those blowers makes more pollution in an afternoon than your car makes all year. Electric and battery models work well and aren’t expensive. Unlike cars and trucks, these machines have no pollution controls on them.

    • Josh Martin
      Posted at 12:45h, 17 February

      She’s right? How about: PROPERTY TAX RELIEF. Lets see, and how is the electricity made for the corded models? And what happens to all those batteries? Landfills? Unlike cars and trucks? i don’t drive my Stilh. Based on how I landscaped my yard, I may run my Stilh leaf blower for about 5 minutes.

      • Paul K.
        Posted at 18:29h, 17 February

        The bill equates exhaust emissions from 2 stroke engines with 4 stroke engines…an apples and oranges comparison. Measured sound power (noise emissions) of 4 stroke would also be lower, CFM and velocity the same.

        “Leaf” blowers are fine tools for clearing snow too. Provided [its] not too heavy or thick…sidewalks, hand railings, and what not else are readily cleared by “leaf” blowers. Using a leaf blower is easier on the back than a shovel and better for clearing the nooks and crannies thereby preventing ice forming from the swow melt.

        2 cents more: Rather than a legislative ban, the issue (s) could be better addressed at local levels of government instead.

  • Wanda
    Posted at 12:16h, 16 February

    I totally agree with you 100%. They don’t have anything better to do than to set up there and try to figure this stupid stuff out. Illinois has so many habitual “liars”. The Democrats are not there for the people. It’s whatever they say goes, we have no say!!! Just shut us up!!!

  • Wanda
    Posted at 12:12h, 16 February

    I totally agree with you 100%. They don’t have anything better to do it her than to set up there and try to figure this out. Illinois has so many habitual “liars”. The Democrats are not there for the people. It’s whatever they say goes, we have no say!!! Just shut us up!!!

  • Ryan
    Posted at 10:45h, 16 February

    (2) “two-stroke and four-stroke engines used in gas-powered leaf blowers emit exceedingly high rates of pollutants, including, but not limited to, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and hydrocarbons;)”.
    How many leaf blowers does it take to equal the output of a vehicles’ emissions? Let’s ban all cars, trucks, buses, boats and any other source of transportation that produces Carbon Dioxide.

    (3) “the chemical pollutants that gas-powered leaf blowers emit can contribute to smog formation and acid rain. (See response from above)”

    (4) “gas-powered leaf blowers generate noise at a decibel level capable of causing hearing loss in a short amount of time”.

    I have been helping my father with his lawn care business since I was 7 or 8 ( I’m 34 now) I do not have an ounce if hearing loss from blowers, trimmers, mowers or any other equipment.

    (5) “gas-powered leaf blowers send dust and other small particles into the air for considerable distances including, but not limited to, animal feces, trace quantities of heavy metals such as lead, and allergens such as pollen and mold”.

    1.Not sure what this dingbat expects us to use for clearing drives/sidewalks of grass clippings or getting leaves out of bushes. Electric/Battery powered blowers will also send “small particles” into the air.
    2. We need to make lawn mowers illegal as well. They far exceed the particles that blowers do.

  • Bob
    Posted at 07:52h, 16 February

    Are you people out of your minds? You’re worried about leaf blowers? We have people driving on our roads without licenses or car insurance and you’re worried about this crap. Quit raising out taxes an license fees. Start a statewide safety inspection like Missouri and let state police handle it like them. Safer cars and require proof of insurance to get plates. I have to show an ID to buy a sticker but not to vote. I dont have to show proof of insurance to get a sticker or transfer title either. GET YOURE PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.

  • brian rigoni
    Posted at 20:41h, 15 February

    yep ! I will form a company to make an electric leaf blower & make a ton of money & hopefully blow them out of office !

  • Harvey
    Posted at 17:16h, 15 February

    I have a gas powered blower that works fine and help me blow the leaves away I have 100 foot access from the street up to my house in no way will I be pulling down and electrical cord to do what I need to do with what a gas blower can do I will definitely vote for Republican party from now on you Democrats don’t only know how to do one thing and that is true tax search to death stop making these read Dick you list things concentrate on something more Important then a gas powered blower wanna read Deculus person you are I will never vote Democrat ever

  • Harvey
    Posted at 17:12h, 15 February

    I have a gas powered blower that works excellent

  • Don Holeman
    Posted at 16:39h, 15 February

    If you are serious about saving gas and cutting emissions, take a quick look at all of the drive up windows. The average McDonalds, Starbucks, Subway or whatever has more wasted fuel in their drive up lanes from 6 am to 1 pm than all the lawn care equipment in the state could generate in a year. In the metro Decatur area, we have at least 4 McDonalds, two Starbucks and eight or more Subways. Now add all the other fast foods, plus pharmacies, banks and liquor drive ups. Now let’s count all of those in the entire state. If it really is about fuel and emissions, fine. Then we should start with the largest offenders first. SAVE THE PLANET. BAN DRIVE UP WINDOWS.

  • Greg
    Posted at 15:00h, 15 February

    She is an Embarassment!

  • Paul K.
    Posted at 22:36h, 14 February

    Because of Ms. Fine’s bill to ban gas blowers, I’ll put in for get’n ahead of the curve…send all worn out lithium ion batteries powering cordless chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers, and blowers to Ms. Fine’s Springfield office.

  • A. Lincoln
    Posted at 20:30h, 14 February

    Another Rhodes Scholar, just like Rep. Camille Lilly. We’re so fortunate in Illinois to have a brain trust like this, which may become the envy of the Nation. Illinois may go forward into the 21st Century as the paradigm of economic growth, fiscal stability and financial progress.

    Just try to imagine where Illinois might be without this cache of talent to lead our great state forward in modern taxation theory, innovative pension funding schemes and creative population management.

    Or, Illinois might end up like the City of Detroit. Administered by a Special Master appointed by a Federal District Court judge. Because the Legislature and Executive couldn’t.

    Or, maybe, MIKE WILL GET IT DONE.

  • Kim
    Posted at 20:22h, 14 February

    OMG! AND we pay these people to take care of our state! If you have to dig that far down to waste your time, let me give you a direction; check why the state pays you a fortune to try to pass idiotic bills like this! Perfect example WHY democrats are jumping ship! SMDH

    • Mark Hunter
      Posted at 18:01h, 15 February

      Your dumber the squirrel shit

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 20:19h, 14 February

    Freaking loon.

  • Curt
    Posted at 19:18h, 14 February

    Wow. Are all of the Democrats in this country just completely dumb? Seriously, I need answers. I wont give up my gas powered anything. It is much less detrimental to our earth than the compition…battery powered everything garbage that is expensive and wont last near as long as my gas powered equipment.

  • Sandra Gray
    Posted at 19:08h, 14 February

    I see the end to landscaping and lawn mowing companies. That means there will be the need for hundreds of feet of electrical cords running across yards. Not going to happen. What planet have they been living on. I’d bet money, if I had it, that they have this service provided at their homes and offices.
    Gas stations would raise the price of gas if they have to provide a person to pump gas. They probably have someone to service their cars and fill them up with gas, or maybe they have a service that takes they to work. They are definitely not living like the rest of the citizens of IL that “work ” for a living. Where we have to watch every cent because of stupid people.

  • Jesus
    Posted at 18:51h, 14 February

    Demorats don’t have brains if they go to a competition of stupid people they will lose.

  • Jim
    Posted at 18:44h, 14 February

    Silly woman….She obviously knows nothing about the law or politics for that matter.
