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October 19, 2024

Sexual Assault Prosecutor Kristen Alferink sued for Sexual Harrassment –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 3, 2019

McLean County (ECWd) –

Former McLean County Assistant State’s Attorney, William Layne Roberts, has field a 9-Count federal civil lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and retaliatory discharge against former Assistant State’s Attorney Kristen Alferink, the Office of the McLean County State’s Attorney, and former State’s Attorney (and current Judge) Jason Chambers.

A Complaint to the Illinois Human Rights Commission was also filed.

Facebook Photo

Kristen Alferink is currently an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Champaign County State’s Attorney’s Office.

This suit was filed on September 24, 2019 in the Peoria Division of the Central District of Illinois (Federal Court).

The suit alleges unlawful sex discrimination, harassment and retaliation perpetrated by Defendants within the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office.

According to the Complaint, some key points complained of are (and please keep in mind these are only allegations at this point):

  • While working for the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office, Plaintiff was subjected to severe and pervasive unwanted and unwelcome sex harassment and retaliation by a senior and superior female Assistant State’s Attorney, defendant Kristen Alferink
  • Alferink’s campaign of harassment and retaliation began in December 2016 and continued—escalating over time in frequency and severity—though December 2017
  • Alferink was responsible for prosecuting sexual assault cases for the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office
  • Alferink also has a history of misusing her authority and supervisory position within the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office in order to sexually harass men at work.
  • In several different ways, the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office knew and should have known about Alferink’s propensity to sexually harass men at work
  • On multiple occasions, Plaintiff reported, complained about and opposed Alferink’s sexual harassment to, among others, the ultimate authority in the office, McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers. However, no action was taken to correct or control Alferink’s sexual misconduct. No action was taken to enforce McLean County policies prohibiting sex discrimination, harassment and retaliation. In several different ways, the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office knew and should have known about Alferink’s sexual harassment of Plaintiff at work
  • On November 22, 2017, Alferink entered Plaintiff’s office and closed the door behind her so she could be alone with Plaintiff. When Plaintiff tried to leave, Alferink sexually assaulted Plaintiff by grabbing him and attempting to kiss him
  • Later that day, Plaintiff reported, complained about and opposed Alferink’s sexual misconduct to the Mclean County State’s Attorney, Jason Chambers. In reporting Alferink, Plaintiff recounted in detail numerous incidents of sexual harassment perpetrated by Alferink that had occurred during the past year, several of which Plaintiff had reported previously. In response, McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers stated he would “look into it.”
  • On November 23, 2017, the day after Plaintiff’s report to McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers, Alferink sent Plaintiff a text message stating “You need to spend time this weekend seriously looking for a new job.”
  • Rather than protect Plaintiff by correcting Alferink’s sexual misconduct, McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers instead retaliated against Plaintiff by terminating him for pretextual reasons. Alferink suffered no adverse consequences for her conduct and she was allowed to continue prosecuting felony sex crimes for McClean County
  • After Plaintiff was terminated, Alferink tried to buy Plaintiff’s silence by offering to help him find a new job and by confessing her “feelings” for him. When Plaintiff (again) resisted and rebuffed her advances, Alferink sent Plaintiff threatening emails from her official McLean County State’s Attorney work email account, including a final email to Plaintiff which stated, “Be careful about who you are talking to about the State’s Attorney’s Office. Some of the stuff you are saying about the office/people here is actionable and is getting back to us.”

According to the McLean County Bar Association (archived), ASA Kristen Alferink serves as an Assistant State’s Attorney in McLean County and leads the McLean County Sexual Assault Task Force. We believe she no longer works in that office.

Her Facebook page talks about “victim blaming”(see here) – so we sure hope she doesn’t victim blame in this lawsuit.

Read the Complaint below:




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1 Comment
  • hyneman1
    Posted at 21:02h, 27 December

    Alferink was also involved with at least one other attorney, who practices in a private firm, during the time frame of the accusations. That attorney who was paid a retainer to represent my daughter in a Battery case, went to great length to say what a great person Alferink was and how he too had started out his career in law in a neighboring counties States Attorney office. We are in contact with the Plaintiff’s Legal Team. We believe he was quite possibly involved personally with Alferink. He coerced my daughter into pleading guilty even though they had no evidence to prove against her. And he helped Alferink put a feather in her cap!
