Cumberland County Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Carr has been placed on Administrative Leave (with pay) pending the outcome of an investigation into messages he allegedly sent earlier this year.
Those messages are quite disturbing to say the least, and include comments such as:
- “…All I want is revenge and I will get it“
- “Time for me to leave Illinois and everyone I no. But don’t worry. I am killing the three of them first“
- “I start killing people tonight. I’m done with everyone”
- “I’m ready for war“
- “I hate people. I hate this county“
- “The bitch was at home when I went by. I am taking care of this my way”
- “I have had it. Blood is gonna spill. Have a good life. I’m done”
- “I f*cking hate everybody“
Remember, this person has a gun and a badge.
If these are his messages, he doesn’t ever need to carry a gun and should be prohibited from wearing a badge again.
Posted at 14:31h, 17 SeptemberI know who wrote these text messages steve carr because he wrote them to my daughter this is the first time i have seen them and it makes the hair stand up on my neck and scared for my grandkids .
C. Robinson
Posted at 18:37h, 17 SeptemberHowever u do have to remember this is the same cop that pulled woman over and sexually harassed them and the county let him go this is more of a felony charges and she should not receive anytype of pay and he should of seek jail time and never be allowed to carry anytype of
Weapon nor should he be a cop ever again cause he has got by with a lot of stuff for a long time and nobody has ever done anything to him ever
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 08:09h, 20 SeptemberC. I don’t even know where to begin to respond to you comment. If this were true would there not have been a complaint made? Yet I bet if one were to poke around there is no record of any? Gossip is a two way street C. This sort of gossip is best left at the Legion
Doesnt matter
Posted at 08:03h, 20 SeptemberIve read the posted messages several times. I don’t see your grandkids mentioned anywhere? Is your comment factual, or just an attempt to further inflame the situation?
The Speaker of the Real Truth
Posted at 15:12h, 30 SeptemberTom, You and yours need help, or jail, I don’t know which. Did you and your wife ever pay back all the money you guys stole with your various “benefits”? Who is the dirt bag now Tom
GW Snyder
Posted at 15:08h, 17 SeptemberI hope they are watching this Dude closely!
Doesnt matter
Posted at 08:07h, 20 SeptemberGW, I hope they conduct an adequate investigation. Anyone can make a phone contact with anyone’s name on it. Who is to say this is really who it is professed to be? You never now they other party in this may have made the whole thing up in an attempt to frame him?
John Hayden
Posted at 15:31h, 17 SeptemberGee. Do we rely wonder why there is a mass shooting every other week in this country? This has gone on how long? And this person has been out on patrol arresting people with a badge and a gun? You wonder why the second amendment is being questioned and yet at the same time we allow nut jobs (alleged) to buy and carry around guns. Then wait until they pull the trigger a few times or a few hundred to do anything about it. Good job Cumberland County for placing his person on leave until further instigation can be done. But it would be nice if maybe the legal system had a way to protect society a bit quicker when it comes to clear red flags.
Posted at 17:37h, 17 SeptemberI mean he got away with murder before when he shot Bart on the burma in Toledo Illinois
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 06:47h, 18 SeptemberWhile this was an unfortunate incident, it was far from murder. He was defending himself against someone who was armed and shot at him
Posted at 09:12h, 19 SeptemberWell that’s what Steve told everyone
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 07:55h, 20 SeptemberThat’s what independent witnesses corroborated. Trumped you weren’t there, so stay out of it.
Posted at 18:54h, 17 SeptemberBart shot first.
Dean Roson
Posted at 20:41h, 17 SeptemberThis dick gave my friend a bull crap DUI. He’s been a dbag forever. Justice for Johnner. Steve Carr has already killed enough people
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 08:01h, 20 SeptemberDean. If your friend had a DUI coming he did. Don’t do the crime if you cant do the time. Everyone hates cops until they need one.
Doug Johnson
Posted at 21:31h, 17 SeptemberImagine my surprise
Doesnt matter
Posted at 08:00h, 20 SeptemberSomething tells me you smoke dope… you Doug?
Doug Johnson
Posted at 18:26h, 21 SeptemberNo I do not, I actually despise that sort of thing, if you knew me you would know that. Its okay though anonymous… keep your secrets.
Arthur Cox
Posted at 12:17h, 18 SeptemberEvery cop is a criminal, but Steve has a badge to kill and assault people in there front yard like he done me after he drug me out of my house where I was asleep to charge me with d.u.i.
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 08:04h, 20 SeptemberWere you really asleep, or did you merely run inside and hide in bed to give the impression that you were home the whole time? Dont drink and drive Arthur.
Sal Tessio
Posted at 14:30h, 18 SeptemberArthur, no, not every cop is a criminal. There are some very good ones who care about their job and the people they serve. C. Robinson, yes, if that’s true, this dude (Carr) is not one of the aforesaid good cops, and needs to be at the other end of the gun and badge. But there are union rules, as sheriffs have sometimes found out the hard way. Go through the legal process, and if the story holds true, throw the book at this guy.
Sgt. Joe Webb (LAPD Ret)
Posted at 21:48h, 19 SeptemberWOW – I hope they have invoked the use of 725 ILCS 165/ et al “IL Firearm Seizure Act” as well as suspended his FOID. Comments like those – if he made them – reflect the mind, and apparent intent, of a dangerous and unbalanced individual who is homicidal. Hope all involved stay ok – and if he actually authored those texts – gets the help he needs. Prayers for all.
Posted at 15:42h, 30 SeptemberLAPD retired? Right…. who moves to this dumpy corner of Hellinois from LA? Here’s the thing stud. LA is all about screwing over people ( even worse than this sorry excuse for a state). Round here there is a little thing called due process. You should give it a try. You might like it. If not take your know it all ass back to LA
Uncle Joe's Nephew
Posted at 20:15h, 30 September“Bob”, you should respond with reason, instead of the pointless and emotional tantrum you posted. Uncle Joe and I couldn’t decide if you were complaining about LA, “Hellinois”, or ? If you knew anything about due process, or the law in general, you’d know what Uncle Joe was talking about. All you had to do was take the time to look up the statute he cited and READ it. Additionally, if you had paid attention to the end, instead of blowing an already leaky gasket, you would have realized: (1) Although Uncle Joe’s opinion is that the individual’s comments warrant a suspension (NOTE: “suspension” = TEMPORARY) of his FOID, U. Joe qualified his statement by adding, “…if he made them”; (2) The use of the IL Firearm Seizure Act is TEMPORARY pending a court hearing during which the subject of the statutorily authorized action (the gun owner) has the right to testify and present evidence to refute that testimony / evidence which is presented by the State, and the subject is entitled to another follow-up hearing in 12 months; (3) My UncIe Joe added another/final qualification and benefit of the doubt for this individual by saying, “…and if he actually authored those texts.” So, put your beer down, go !@#^$%#! educate yourself, and take the time to actually process what you’re reading, er – uh – looking at.
Posted at 20:07h, 17 NovemberWell it sounds like “doesn’t matter” is probably cradle robbing Steve’s girlfriend.
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 07:58h, 20 SeptemberSteve is a good man. He has made more sacrifices for his community and his country than a great deal of the population. There are sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs. Several commenters are in the wolf category, and love the thought of trying to get on up on a sheep dog. Lets see what the investigation uncovers? There is always two sides to a story. Perhaps the individual(s) that submitted these did so under false pretenses and did not do so in good faith?
Posted at 13:53h, 20 SeptemberIf they are in fact his texts he needs to be held accountable and re voke his foid card and fired.
Posted at 12:17h, 27 SeptemberEveryone picked on that bitch in high school so no wonder he has lost it.
Doesnt Matter
Posted at 07:38h, 30 SeptemberWay to keep it classy. Typical lame duck, half witted, Scumberland County response. How many times have you taken a ride to jail? Many I suspect. I wonder…did they pick on you in prison?
Jroc, there are good people then there are schmuks like you. The “ugly” element of society does nothing but sit back, suck off the mammary gland of an otherwise productive society and throw stones at those that are better than they are.