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March 28, 2025

Atwood Village President and two Trustees resign –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 9, 2019


The Village of Atwood, Illinois attempted to hold a meeting tonight, but there was a lack of quorum.

The resignations of Village President Farrar, Trustee Farrar, and Trustee Danford were read aloud by the Village Attorney.

A Trustee read a text message he received, which puts some of this into context (included in the video).

No bills could be paid, which includes no payroll, and no other items could be acted upon because a trustee was absent from the meeting (along with the three resignations).

Former Village President Farrar posted this message on his Facebook page:

Good evening, earlier today I submitted my letter of resignation to the Village Clerk. I understand that this will upset many of my supporters, but due to the lies and rumors that are being spread by individuals within the village and by news outlets, I feel that the village is not able to move forward and effect positive change for all of us. Please remember that you can’t always believe what you read on Facebook and unfortunately what you read in the paper.

Read his resignation (here).

Video of the reading of resignations and a text message reading is below:



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1 Comment
  • jannie
    Posted at 07:39h, 10 September

    It was wise he (Village President) resigned.
