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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township Road District – Time Card Tuesday #6

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 12, 2019

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

If you are new to our Time Card Tuesday series we urge you to catch up by first reading part 1, 2, 3, 4., and part 5.

While we have many more time cards to expose, we want to make sure everyone understands this reporting is simply on the time cards and payroll numbers.  While some have implied that we are wrong because the person worked from home or even as the State’s attorney investigator said, she could have worked from her boat cabin, while out of the country, on a cruise, we are not concerned where the work was performed. We care about the record that shows hours worked or not worked and paid.  If she worked from home, those hours should be recorded.  Same with the boat cruise.  Time worked should be recorded to ensure proper payment is provided.

While we have mentioned this before, all of the time cards were obtained from an FOIA request to the State’s Attorney’s office after the Township denied their existence.  The Payroll register was FOIA’d from the Township.

This Tuesday’s series covers the pay period dated 12/19/2013 to 1/1/2014.  The payroll record for that period can be found at this link.

Beginning with December 19, 2013, time card entry, once again we find overtime documented even though the start and stop time only reflects 8 hrs worked.  On this day, 15 minutes of overtime was recorded.

The 20th of December entry reflects only a start time and then an hour for lunch.  We have no way of knowing what time the work ended.  Time worked was recorded as 8 hours.

December 21st and 22nd reflect a Saturday and Sunday.  Even though 40 hrs had not been worked, she earns an hour of overtime on the 21st and 3.25 hrs on the 22nd, even though the total hours worked was 3 hrs and ten minutes.

Monday the 23rd she works 4 hours but gets 4 hours paid time off.  Considering the payroll record reflects 4 hrs of sick time, we assume this 4 hrs of paid time off is for sick time.

December 24th and 25th were Holidays and that is correctly entered as 8 hours of holiday pay for each day.

However the 26th is not a holiday yet not only is there 8 hours of regular time paid with no start and stop time, there is also 6.5 hours of overtime documented.  This one line entry reflects $229.20 for the regular time not worked according to the time card and $279.37 of overtime for time not worked according to the time card.

The 27th of December entry also reflects no start and stop time yet 8 hrs of work is recorded.

The 30th of December appears accurate.  No time worked, no time recorded as owed.  Give it a day!

December 31st, which is a holiday, results in 8 hours as a Holiday but is recorded as 16 hrs of Holiday time.  We have no idea why it was recorded as such.

January 1st, 2014, the last day in this cycle is also a holiday yet this gets recorded as 8 hrs of holiday and 16 hrs of regular pay.  That entry also is confusing as the payroll record does not align with the time cards on this issue.

According to the payroll document Anna May Miller is paid for 44 hrs of regular hours worked in this pay cycle.  Looking at the time cards and adding up the regular time recorded, we get a total of 36 hrs recorded as regular time.  It appears 8 extra hours of regular pay was given above what the time cards reflect, netting an extra $229.20 in regular pay.

Payroll record also reflects 11 hours of overtime paid, which matches what was recorded, however, it appears 6.75 hrs of that, at a minimum, is not correct.  Fifteen minutes of it for time not worked on the 19th, and 6.5 hrs on the 26th, a holiday that had no work hours but did receive holiday pay. So rather than 11 hrs of overtime, it appears this should have been 4.25 hrs total.  The way it was recorded netted an extra $290.12 in overtime.

Payroll reflects 4 hours of sick time which we can only assume is from the 4 hrs of paid time off on December 23, 2013.

The holiday payroll entry does reflect the 4 holidays during this pay cycle totaling 32 hrs of holiday pay.

This payroll cycle appears to have provided an extra $519.32 in pay versus what the time cards reflect.

This brings the running total of bad math pay to $2,941.36 which only spans 9 pay cycles in 2013.

To date, the Township Board has refused the current Road District Highway Commissioner’s attempts of having a forensic audit performed on the financial matters in the Road District.

Stay tuned as we start to combine multiple pay cycles in 2014 in an effort to disclose that year over the next several weeks.

You can download the Payroll record at this link and the time cards at this link.

Anna May Time Card part 6
Anna May Pay records part 6

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  • Mike
    Posted at 17:54h, 24 May

    “You can download the Payroll record at this link and the time cards at this link.”

    The “time card” link is broken.

    More specifically, the time card link currently points to the home page.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:34h, 24 May

      should be fixed

  • Wes Law
    Posted at 09:30h, 17 March

    With regard to the statute of limitation issue, have you looked into the forgery statutes? Forgery has no statute of limitation (or at the very least it doesn’t come into play until the crime is discovered). Those time cards filled out by or turned in by Anna Mae are clearly forged instruments as they are capable of defrauding another and represent something other than the truth.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 05:47h, 12 March

    They never thought anyone would ever catch on. The living was easy and they were emboldened thinking that the “people” are too stupid to even question them. To think that this was done for decades just because they thought they could is sickening to people of integrity. Now we want accountability but the corruption is so deep that we will have to fight our way yet again to attain something even close. Thank you, all the good people of light that are shining it on this really dark corner of a township’s history. Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; Luke 12:2.
