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March 13, 2025

DuPage Township – What the Lawyer…didn’t say! – Part III

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 5, 2018

Will Co. (ECWd) –

Considering public officials keep defaulting to the attorney, we shared exactly what the DuPage Township attorney said and outlined why blindly listening to them can be a problem.   We urge you to read Part I and Part II to better understand the apparent pattern developing in DuPage Township, a pattern of advocating for a person rather than providing solid legal direction.

What the Lawyer said has become the common response from public officials when they are exposed for malfeasance and now we find what he didn’t say most interesting.

During the past DuPage Township meeting, the attorney made a point to call out one of the trustees for including him in emails to the Supervisor and even ensured everyone knew what time of the morning they were sent, which doesn’t matter as it’s not like receiving an email is waking him up in the middle of the night.  He referenced receiving 4 emails sent by Trustee Benford and then lets her and the Supervisor know that neither one of them have to answer each other’s questions. You can view that portion of the meeting below.

Why is this worthy of another article?  

We find it interesting to see the attorney publicly complaining about 4 emails cc’d to him by a trustee yet stayed silent on the 7 emails sent by the supervisor that also were cc’d to the attorney.

Why was it necessary to point to trustee Benford’s 4 emails and not make any mention at all of the 7 sent by the Supervisor?  Is it because the Supervisor is the one who selected the attorney?

In this case, the appearance is the attorney went out of his way to make this a Trustee Benford issue and we conclude that because of not what he said but rather what he didn’t say, the fact the man who hired him sent almost twice as many emails to him.

Logically, if receiving emails is the issue you would think the target of exposure would be with the person who sent most of them, in this case, the Supervisor.  By selectively only mentioning the Trustee’s action provides the appearance that the attorney is being an advocate for the Supervisor, the man who hired him.

And for those that want proof the Supervisor sent those seven emails we referenced and cc’d the attorney, below are the dates they were sent.  You can FOIA those communications from the Township. If they fail to provide them let us know and we will expose them for failure to provide all the records.

  1. October 22, 2018 at 6:30:22 PM CDT
  2. October 22, 2018 at 6:41:19 PM CDT
  3. October 22, 2018 at 6:48:35 PM CDT
  4. October 22, 2018 at 10:13:48 PM CDT
  5. October 23, 2018 at 9:57:53 AM CDT
  6. October 23, 2018 at 10:37:31 AM CDT
  7. October 23, 2018 at 11:34:18 AM CDT

While the attorney said neither people involved in this matter have to answer each other’s questions, we would encourage neither person to listen to such a position as it only harms proper representation of the people.  Elected officials should answer questions related to the performance of their duties, no matter who those questions come from.

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  • Michael Hagberg
    Posted at 11:59h, 05 November

    The township supervisor appoints a attorney with the boards approval. Did the board ever vote to approve this appointment? Appointments are for a one year period and should be reaffirmed and voted upon by the board.

    • Jack
      Posted at 20:15h, 07 November

      The way the attorney was appointed was a cluster like everything else done by that guy.
