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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township – As predicted, Kelly advice unfounded according to Attorney General PAC Office

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 29, 2018

McHenry Co. (ECWd)-

The Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor has ruled in the request for review against Algonquin Township.  Cal Skinner with McHenry County Blog filed the request and as predicted, the ruling is against the Township.

We wrote about the laughable position taken by the Supervisor, Chuck Lutzow and his attorney James Kelly in this article. 

The PAC office responded with multiple reasons why the Township’s denial of the records was improper.

“The Township provided additional information confidentially. None of the information, however, provides clear and convincing evidence from which this office could conclude that the records are exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 7( 1)( v) of FOIA”

“The Township’ s assertion that releasing the requested records could lead to stalking also is speculative, as information regarding the comings and goings of Ms. Lukasik could be obtained by observation of the Township Hall”

“This office also considered a separate reason and explanation for withholding the records that the Township provided confidentially. While this office is prohibited from describing the Township’s confidential reasoning, we conclude that it does not provide a valid basis for withholding the requested records.”

“In accordance with the conclusions in this letter, this office requests that the Township disclose the responsive records to Mr. Skinner.”

We have reason to believe this entire denial was at the direction of James Kelly and once again it appears his advice did nothing but put more billable hours in his pocket.

We have suggested many times that this Township start looking for another attorney as this one appears to be the cause of two key things.

  • Costing the taxpayers a small fortune
  • Putting that small fortune in his pocket through billing for advice that is inconsistent with past rulings by the AG PAC office. 

Once again we urge the Township to terminate their legal counsel.

You can download the PAC ruling at this link or view below.

PAC ruling in Skinner Request for Review

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