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March 14, 2025

Algonquin Township – The Circus Tent is getting bigger

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 8, 2018

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

Once again the big top has open for the circus show.  Tonight we find yet another resolution being put before the board and this time it appears to be one that shows steps being taken to ensure nepotism and patronage is in fact protected, instead of prevented.

(a) Employment in Algonquin Township and Algonquin Township Road District will be given on the basis of merit and not solely on the basis of nepotism or patronage.

So provided nepotism or patronage is not the “sole” reason for the hire, its OK to keep doing what has been a long practice in every unit of government in this state.

(b) As employees are hired based upon merit, an employee who has the necessary knowledge and experience but also has a family relationship with the Supervisor, Board of Trustees, Highway Commissioner, Clerk or Assessor will not be considered a nepotism hire.

So even though the hiring may be done based on nepotism, it won’t be considered nepotism if they can claim merit, knowledge, and experience, which we all know is what will happen.

(c) As employees are hired based upon merit, an employee who has the necessary knowledge and experience but also has a political relationship with the Supervisor, Board of Trustees, Highway Commissioner, Clerk or Assessor or is owed a political favor will not be considered a patronage hire.

So even though the hiring may be done based on patronage, it won’t be considered nepotism if they can claim merit, knowledge, and experience, which we all know is what will happen.

(d) Algonquin Township, its departments, and Algonquin Township Road District will not hire on the basis of nepotism or patronage as such hiring is prohibited.

For starters, the Township Board has zero authority to adopt a resolution that binds the hands of the Road District.  I guess getting sued for doing this kind of crap before has not sunk in they have no such power.

One false statement in this resolution tells us there is more to this resolution:

WHEREAS, the Highway Commissioner, Andrew Gasser, has requested to join in this resolution and this resolution will be binding upon the Algonquin Township Road District.

I have confirmed, Highway Commissioner Andrew Gasser has NOT requested to join “this” resolution.  No resolution adopted by the Board is binding on another unit of government.  How stupid are these people?

Regardless, this group will continue to hire as usual and simply claim there is merit and presto, no nepotism or patronage to see.

(e) The Township Ethics Ordinance applies and any and all actions that violate the Ethics Ordinance violate this Resolution.

Without seeing a copy of the Ethics Ordinance we can’t comment, other than to say we suspect there are things in the Ethics ordinance that have nothing to do with this nepotism/patronage resolution.  If that turns out to be the case, why would ethics ordinance violations be deemed a violation of the nepotism/patronage resolution?

You can download a copy of the resolution here or view below.

May we suggest popcorn and peanuts for tonight’s circus act?

18.08.02.Resolution on Nepotism and Patronage

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1 Comment
  • James J. Pancrazio
    Posted at 07:44h, 10 August

    I think the resolution qualifies as a confession.
