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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township – Is the Circus Ring Leader attorney James Kelly?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 29, 2018

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

As we continue to expose malfeasance and illegal activity that took place in the Algonquin Township and Road District during the Bob Miller circus acts, we still can’t believe the things we are finding.

James Kelly, the former attorney for both the Township and Road District no longer provides his services to the Township Clerk in her lawsuit nor the Road District in any manner. He stepped away from those duties due to conflicts.    This is the same attorney who we understand is facing multiple ARDC complaints.

The same attorney who’s billing records reflect billing to the Road District for work done on behalf of a private corporation ran by former Highway Commissioner Bob Miller.  That business was operating out of the public facility.  Coverage of that billing can be found at this link.

Additionally, he billed Algqonquin Road District 5.5 hrs for attending a Highway Commissioner’s meeting and records proved there was no Algonquin Road District meeting that would have justified the bill.  Coverage of that billing can be found at this link.

There is currently a motion in the court for Kelly’s removal as attorney for the Township in our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit due to him being a witness in the case, which would be a conflict.

Why mention all these past events? 

Who knew there was an Illinois Township Attorneys Association?

May 5th, 2017 that association held a training conferance in Bloomington.  The conference had several sessions on different topics related to Township business but one, in particular, caught my eye.

“Ethics/Conflicts/Public Dealing with Illegal Procedures”


Any guess who taught that class?  –

James Kelly, Vice President of Matuszewich, Kelly & McKeever.  Yes, the same James Kelly right in the middle of the three-ring circus in Algonquin Township.

Considering the numerous Algonquin Township & Road District ethical issues identified, conflicts of interests, and clearly illegal activity, one can only wonder how any of it happens when their attorney teaches those very issues to others.

Is this an indicator as to why we are seeing so many problems in Township Government in Illinois?

Special thanks to the person that provided us a copy of the mailed flyer sent to Kelly.



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  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 16:21h, 29 August

    Those who know not teach. An exposure like this sure proves that theory.

  • tom Mathews
    Posted at 14:04h, 29 August

    After reading the above, concerning the circus here in McHenry County, i must express 50 years of first hand experience of business and relationships in McHenry and Cook Counties. Indeed a huge circus has been operating where corruption by only a few scoundrels and patronage soldiers, may be 10%, have been responsible for controlling 90% of the honest, hardworking good citizens following the “golden rule”. Allegedly and reportedly the 10% of the scoundrels using characteristics and employing actions of a sociopath and gangster employ an army of patronage beneficiaries to deceive and violate the Constitutional Rights of their fellow citizens. It is necessary to include cook County in this response as many of the patronage soldiers have infiltrated and influenced most of the State of Illinois agencies, where they are rewarded with political sponsorship. This is important to mention as these agencies reportedly have called upon the State’s attorney office in the collar counties to pursue bogus claims for the alleged benefit of donors who may be pursuing their goals with political assistance. Please request an exhibit “Kneel before the Kahn” and the Irish Gangs. Attorney Kelly as well as many other attorneys became involved in allegedly questionable cases, to represent defendants, by political bogus claims to finance the Illinois attorney generals office operation allegedly against the best interest of our citizens. I believe that experiencing the umbrella of corruption here in Illinois, that only the DOJ with its authority and power to convene a Task force should investigate the Illinois secretary of States office as well as the business and operation of several other agencies. Having been in Real estate, land development and insurance business, for over 50 years, I’m well acquainted with scores of attorney’s, engineers, surveyors, lenders and banking institutions, and i can personally confirm that McHenry County and Northern Illinois is under a huge circus umbrella. The main question is who owns the circus? who really is the ringmaster? Who are the major acts? Who feeds the animals? Who controls the bank? Allegedly, attorney James Kelly and several other McHenry County attorney’s having experienced being in a like situation, are only small acts. For all those who seek to find the facts of corruption and pursue the identity of those maintaining a life of corruption its benefits, and lifestyle, they should look to the very top forces. Perhaps they should start with the patronage organization reportedly managed by Michael Madigan. Attorney James Kelly as well as other attorneys in general must rely upon the information and evidence provided by their clients. They are paid to pursue their clients agenda until they must free themselves of the relationship for any reason. One should spend their time, money and efforts to identify the real culprits.
