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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township Road District – No budgeted item, no legal payment!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 11, 2018

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

Keep it simple!

Most who have served in public office know that you can’t spend money that is not budgeted.  Doing so for non-public business falls under the Misapplication of Funds statute in the criminal code.

We downloaded the last budget applicable to Bob Miller and we found no budget item anywhere pertaining to accrued sick days or any other line item for money owed as a liability. For those unfamiliar with budgets, don’t confuse a salary line item with benefits.  If you look at the Administration line item (page 5), you will find all the benefits listed below the salary line item, of which there is no sick leave obligation listed.

No budget, can’t spend it!

Now that we know it was an erroneous payment out of the Road District, as confirmed by attorney Gooch in his pleadings, coupled with no budgeted obligation, why is it that so many people don’t understand why Andrew Gasser is demanding the return of the taxpayer money?

Never mind the fact this claimed sick leave liability never showed up the most recent Annual Financial Report filed with the Comptroller, nor in any of the Annual audits until this year.  Considering it showed up as a “Note” in this year’s audit we have to ask, how does so much sick leave show up in one year?  Should this accountant be looked at closer?

So what are the consequences for a Road District Commissioner who turns in a bill to be paid (to himself) for conversion of sick leave to money, that has never shown up on any official records in twenty-four years of the Township’s history and all done without any budgeted expenditure?

We suggest you ask that question to your local State’s Attorney!

And yes, we have more to come!


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