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March 28, 2025

Governor Rauner – Hiding private attorney list paid by taxpayers- AG issued Binding Opinion

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 19, 2018

Illinois (ECWd)

Once again we find Illinois Governor Rauner is not only an established fabricator of truth but also one who is the recipient of a binding opinion from the Attorney General’s PAC office for not disclosing public records that would expose your tax dollars are being used for outside legal counsel with state agencies.  Of interest in this opinion, the date, October 21st, 2015.  Less than a year into his term he violated our Freedom of Information Act by keeping secret the names of private attorneys being paid with your tax dollars.

More concerning than the refusal to provide the public records is the fact the Governor and relevant state agencies under his control intended for the names of these attorneys’ to remain confidential.

“The response added that the “Governor’s Office and relevant state agencies intended that these lists remain confidential. “

My initial thought when I read that, “who the hell do these people think they are”?  Where on earth do they get the idea that they can hire attorneys, pay them with our tax dollars, then not disclose the information?

The opinion also states:

“This response implies that the Governor’s Office does not believe that FOIA requires it to compile and provide Mr. Dumke with any responsive information in its possession or under its control related to outside counsel that is not reflected in the lists that were withheld.”

The AG PAC response is priceless:

“That belief is incorrect”

Considering the Society of Professional Journalists just a awarded Rauner the Black Hole Award-Dishonorable Mention, we would say this is yet another justification for the award.

The people of this state should be outraged with any public official’s attempt to keep spending secret, especially when it is the Governor of the state. In this case, we want to know how much and to whom!

We are still trying to confirm if the requested information has been released and will update when we have the information.

Binding PAC Opinion 15-010 (003)

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Photo credit Crains Chicago Business 


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  • J. Madison
    Posted at 10:32h, 21 March

    Evading FOIA requests suggests the Governor has something to hide. Illinois has a history of Governors that got did not play by the rules and look what happened to them.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 20:45h, 19 March

    Governor Rauner…refuses to dismiss tainted employees…for what reason? Crooked Mautino still resides as Auditor General for Illinois, Why? Why hasn’t Governor Rauner done his job, fired him and had him up on charges?

    Now lets talk airports…and the fact the FAA has withheld funding (against Illinois officials wishes), for how long now, 8-9 months or more with no end in sight? Oh yes, there’s a reason….and it’s called violating Illinois Law and fraudulent activity. And this isn’t the FAA’s first rodeo with Illinois, remember the $880,000 fraudulent project that was funded and then had FAA funds withdrawn after an investigation?

    Regarding the most recent: William Barnes, IDOT’s counsel, argues that following the intent of Illinois Law is just as good as following Illinois Law. (Now there’s an over paid state attorney earning his state pay check: “don’t follow the law…….just intend to follow the law….. and you’re good to go”).
    Prisoners in our jails have the same perspective. Why me, I intended to follow the law?

    Barnes is an overpaid State of Illinois employee desperately needing to walk the streets for his actions. Where is our Gov and why is Barnes still cashing a state pay check?

    Then of course, there is “rubber stamp” Randy Blankenhorn sucking up tax payer funded benefits along with as overly generous salary when he too can’t read Illinois Law. Gee, I thought our attorneys and State employees were supposed to be able to read, follow the law and have the taxpayers best interests in mind. Not Randy… Governor Rauner where are you?

    Now comes along “me too” Beth McCluskey, Director of Projects Implementation or something like that: is she hiding after a ridiculous interpretation of Illinois Airport Law? Three sentences in Illinois Law she either can’t read or comprehend. Another self serving overpaid government employee soaking it up at the expense of Illinois taxpayers and forgetting to perform with integrity and honesty. So, why hasn’t Rauner done his job and fired her for her actions?

    What would life be like with out mentioning ‘retired in place’ Martin, heading up the Division of Aeronautics; whom is, without the slightest clew? Airport Law is something a director should know quite well…that is if he can remember what is job actually is.
    Lacking a back bone and the will to fight corruption, lawlessness and a great willingness to do nothing for his paycheck makes him another one of our out of touch public officials. Guys like Martin get old and just hang on and on and on doing nothing good for the State.
    If the Edgar County Airport debacle isn’t good enough for you, then one could consider the Bollingbrook Airport fraud.

    It seems to me, Rauner hasn’t fired….his gang…because he’s on the same lawless page. Too stupid, too crooked or too old…is that it? Or is something like hoping Illinois contractors might pay these people to look the other way….or even…..perhaps Rauner and his gang might be greasing their wheels hoping for future ‘job insurance’? I don’t know…but how else can you explain this collusion?
    My advice is, Rauner, just do your job, save the state a half million dollars + in salary’s a year….fire these dirt clods….. and then you should resign.
    We need lower taxes in Illinois; not someone that spends taxpayer money like it’s free money…not someone that violates Illinois Law to do it….not someone that won’t tell the truth and most of all not someone that hides public records.

  • Dave
    Posted at 17:54h, 19 March

    I have but 3 words to say…. elect Jeanne Ives

  • Jannie
    Posted at 17:20h, 19 March

    I doubt if the information requested ever sees the light of day. I have seen public bodies, not provide information when requested – then take vindictive actions toward those individuals or groups who ask the question, or want to keep government open.
