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March 28, 2025

ROE #11 Michael Smith Campaign Signs in Chrisman Schools

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 29, 2018


More alleged electioneering using public resources. This time it is in a school building in Chrisman.

In addition to the 6 School Superintendent’s electioneering with public resources detailed in a previous article (here), we now find campaign signs for the Michael Smith for ROE #11 Superintendent Campaign being stashed in an office room in Chrisman Schools (Edgar County CUSD #6) – we understand they are no longer in this room, but have been moved to a different room.

Chrisman Schools Superintendent is none other than Jim Acklin (read about him here) – although he is only part-time, we believe his endorsement of Michael Smith may have led to those signs being stored in a Chrisman School Office.

Smith has already been exposed for his use of a particular phrase to describe Mrs. Mattingly, has been exposed for his prohibited political activity thru using public resources for electioneering, and now we find his campaign signs in a school building.

Just one more Ethic Commission that needs to be hearing complaints of this type.

Campaign Signs in Chrisman School Office



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  • Joe Citizen & Friend of Jim Acklin
    Posted at 12:29h, 29 January

    Jim is the Supt? ? OK, Jim, regardless of who is reporting this stuff – right or wrong, I suspect you don’t like the WDs – electioneering is still wrong and toxic. Even if it’s keeping election materials on site, it’s still wrong. It causes systemic problems for everyone, and it’s not fair to those who keep their noses in their own stalls and simply do their jobs. If this is happening in the Chrisman school(s), it’s on your watch: TAKE CARE OF IT and DO THE RIGHT THING. And, make it clear to everyone that you have ethically addressed it. You work for the people. Myself, your other friends, those who work in your school district, and any one who stands for ethical and legal conduct, all are counting on you to do the right thing. Don’t let us down.

  • John Q. Public
    Posted at 09:27h, 29 January

    There should be discipline meted out to those who do the stashing, and if any supervisor was aware = sanctions against them, too. This is what is wrong with those “in power.” If anyone believes there is not some quid pro quo that goes along with “getting in line with OUR candidate” the non-believers are fools – and they contribute to the whole of what is going on. This electioneering creates a toxic and hostile work environment for those who just want to go to work, do their jobs as they were hired to do, and want to avoid the drama. Come down hard on the violators.

  • J. Madison
    Posted at 07:32h, 29 January

    Hey, Mr. Smith. Your electioneering with use of taxpayer dollars is illegal and I don’t like it.
