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October 19, 2024

Michael Smith, ROE #11 Candidate says Bobbi Mattingly has been an Ass –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 27, 2018


Our rendering of the Q & A

Yes, those are his words, not ours.

Dr. Bobbi Mattingly is the current, and soon retiring, Regional Schools Superintendent of ROE #11.  Michael Smith is the School Superintendent in Tuscola and is campaigning for the Regional Superintendent position.

Sheila Greenwood, Superintendent of Bement School District asked Michael Smith: “Has Dr. Bobbi been an ass?

Smith’s response? “She hasn’t been to me…to my face…but she has to others

This email (read it here) was found in a batch of emails showing alleged electioneering using public funds and resources.

We do not know whether Dr. Mattingly has been or has not been what they call her, and it does not really matter. What matters is that it was discussed as part of alleged electioneering using public body emails. Participating in Prohibited Political Activities can be considered a crime in Illinois.

These people need to be facing Ethics Commissions and answering for their alleged Prohibited Political Activities.

Please review our other article detailing all of his alleged electioneering emails (here).

I think both of them should issue a written apology.


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1 Comment
  • Looking at it Objectively
    Posted at 19:16h, 27 January

    I would bet that these two, learning of the release of the email(s), are saying, “SON of a B—- !” Would really like to know what their spouses are thinking and saying to them, knowing they jeopardized their careers by doing that.
