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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township – Family operation of corruption?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 16, 2017


McHenry County (ECWd) –

We shared actual documents that point to illegal spending on the Credit Card assigned to former Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Bob Miller in this article.  Considering this same person was also the former President of the Township Officials of Illinois, we wrote this article exposing why we have such a problem statewide with Townships.

A request for comment from Township Officials of Illinois Association resulted in what appears to be clear distancing from Miller.

“TOI has no information related to Robert Miller and his actions as the former township road commissioner aside from what is currently appearing in the press.  However, it is clear from the reporting that the actions of Mr. Miller were not related to his involvement with TOI.  Therefore, TOI has nothing further to comment on the subject.”

Our question: How is billing the Township for a TOI Board meeting not related to his involvement with TOI?

Our published involvement began with this article where the current clerk claimed Miller did nothing illegal, even though the record appears to point to numerous purchases on Miller’s credit card that have no public purpose, which would be illegal.

Today, the Northwest Herald ran this story and it was refreshing, to a degree, to see some exposure to what is going on in Algonquin Township where I once lived.

Let us take things further down the goal line and share what this family dynasty so many are defending may have done with your tax dollars.  We say may have done because we dont know who made the actually purchases, just whos’ name is on the card.

From Court records:

  • “Robert Miller is believed to have intimate knowledge of the claims and defenses in this case as well as to his numerous unlawful actions including but not limited to unlawful dissipation of government property, unlawful bid rigging, unlawful use of credit cards of Algonquin Township Road district as well as unlawful falsification of government records.
  • “Robert Miller secreted the unlawful delivery of at least two truckloads of salt paid for by Algonquin Township Road District to David Diamond of the Illinois Railway Museum (IRM).”
  • “Robert Miller is also believed to have knowledge of the misappropriation of government funds to purchase items without a public purpose and to consume such items”
  • “Robert Miller is also believed to have information pertaining to his unlawful wiretap of Andrew Gasser’s voice mail in which prior to leaving office, Robert Miller arranged for the voicemail associated with the telephone line in what is now Andrew Gassers’ office to be forwarded to [email protected].”
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have knowledge of unlawful use of I-pass accounts in which Robert Miller associated his personal vehicle with the I-pass account billed to Algonquin Township. Robert Miller is also believed to have accessed the Illinois Tollway Authority’s I-pass computer system via an internet connection and made changes to the Algonquin Township Road District account on or about October 29, 2017.”
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have knowledge of the inaccurate accounting of assets of Algonquin Township Highway Department and the Algonquin Township Road District wherein he failed to account for assets of the Road District. Robert Miller is believed to have knowledge of the whereabouts of Levenger bags not included on the inventory tendered by Robert Miller when leaving office.”
  • “Robert Miller is believed to have concealed records associated with his use of Township
    equipment to dredge the private lakes in Trout Valley subdivision without a fee for the
    purpose of creating political favor for himself.”
  • “Robert Miller is believed to have knowledge of the installation of electronics in the residence of Robert Miller at the expense of Algonquin Township Road District.”
  • “Robert Miller is believed to have knowledge of the gifting of cellular telephones to employees or former employees of the Algonquin Township Highway Department or the Algonquin Township Road District.”
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have personal knowledge of the identity of any person that he purportedly gave gift cards to that had been paid for Algonquin Township Road District
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have knowledge of the expenses associated with numerous commercial printers not shown on the inventory of Algonquin Township Highway Department or the Algonquin Township Road District.”
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have knowledge related to the purchases of
    Disneyland tickets for his personal use and Anna May Miller’s personal use”
  • “Robert Miller is further believed to have knowledge of his expending government funds for the
    personal benefit of his daughter and her children.”

Family Affair?

  • “Anna May Miller is also believed to have knowledge of the misappropriation of government funds to purchase items without a public purpose and to consume such items and to deliver such items to her children and grandchildren.”
  • “Mallory Rosencrantz (daughter of Robert and Anna May Miller)is believed to have
    knowledge of receiving benefits from Algonquin Township Road District without a
    lawful purpose.”


“Andrew Gassers knowledge is not personal knowledge in that many of the facts available to Andrew Gasser arise from records obtained in this case and pursuant to subpoena.”

The sad part of this whole chain of events is that we find this kind of stuff state wide and more often than not, local politics prevents the rule of law from being the law of the land.  Let’s hope that is not the case in McHenry County.

213fs to miller

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  • Jessica
    Posted at 07:10h, 24 November

    Maybe the people of McHenry County will throw the Millers under the BUS like the Democrats just threw the Clintons under the BUS – same thing on a smaller scale don’t you think?

  • Jessica
    Posted at 07:09h, 24 November

    Maybe the people of McHenry County will throw the Millers under the like the Democrats just threw the Clintons under the – same thing on a smaller scale don’t you think?

  • Cindy
    Posted at 05:10h, 17 November

    Getting my hip waders and my popcorn.

  • Some one who knows
    Posted at 18:42h, 16 November

    Check out Milton, another family business.

  • Eric
    Posted at 13:51h, 16 November

    Here’s a technical question: Can a highway commissioner just go around suing people?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:56h, 16 November

      As long as he can prove he has good reason to, otherwise it could be thrown out as frivolous.

      • Eric
        Posted at 14:16h, 16 November

        I guess my more direct question would be that the road district can sue, but does Gasser need a board approval to sue since it looks like he is suing on behalf of the Road District?

        • Ghost rider
          Posted at 15:37h, 16 November

          So a newly elected official finds wrong doing by their predecessor…..would not reporting and perusing it be aiding and abetting the crime(s)? Would that not also put the Board in the same position in light of the evidence? Maybe they are not doing due diligence by approving the expenses?
