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March 28, 2025

Who did the Atlanta Public Library Provide False Information To? –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 10, 2017


We have previously posted an article on the Attorney General’s determination that the Atlanta Public Library District did not violate the Open Meetings Act on August 10, 2017, by not providing enough information to the public on what they were about to vote on.

The reason the PAC made that determination, was based on Library Board Chairman Randy Brooks’ letter insisting there was no vote on paying bills, but rather the vote was only to accept the Treasurer’s Report. We agree with the AG’s determination, IF, and only if, the only thing voted on was simply accepting the Treasurer’s report.

It was clear in the video, and in the AG’s Opinion there was some confusion with the board members as to what they were voting on, but the AG deferred to Chairman Randy Brooks’ letter of clarification.

We FOIA’d For All Meeting Minutes Where Votes Took Place Approving Payment Of Bills

Guess what was returned as a response to the FOIA?

That’s right – A COPY OF THE AUGUST 10, 2017 MEETING MINUTES – the same meeting where the Chairman told the AG they did not vote on paying any bills.

There were others included, all of which only refer to “Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report” and absolutely nothing about payment of bills.

Who was Lied To?

EITHER:  Chairman Randy Brooks lie to the Attorney General when he said there was no vote to approve any bills, only a vote to accept the Treasure’s Report?

OR:  The Library’s FOIA Officer lie to us when she produced meeting minutes to a clearly worded request for minutes where votes were taken to approve payment of bills?




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