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October 19, 2024

Limestone Township Highway Commissioner funding pension without authorization

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 15, 2017

Kankakee Co. (ECWd) –

It appears the Highway Commissioner is receiving compensation not authorized as the law outlines, and thinks he can ignore the matter.

From the Township Code:

(60 ILCS 1/65-20)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 100-107)
    Sec. 65-20. Road district treasurer; new township; multi-township officers.
    (a) Compensation of township officers shall be set by the township board at least 180 days before the beginning of the terms of officers, including compensation of the road district treasurer, which shall be not less than $100 or more than $1,000 per year. Compensation of a township assessor and collector shall be set at the same time as the compensation of the township supervisor. Compensation of a multi-township assessor shall be set at least 150 days before his or her election.

Compensation is anything of benefit, which would include pension contributions.  We informed the board and Highway Commissioner during their August meeting that the Highway Commissioner’s Compensation setting resolution did not contain any pension benefit.

Even after they were informed no such benefit was included in the setting of his compensation, the Township continues to use your tax dollars to pay into a pension fund not authorized for the Highway Commissioner.  I believe implementing an IMRF Pension Tax Levy that includes taxation to support the Highway Commissioner’s pension may well constitute an illegal taxation matter under the 14th ammendment, not to mention receipt of benefits not permitted by law.

In light of all the other actions in violation of the law by this Highway Commissioner, we urge him to resign.



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1 Comment
  • Pete Marwick
    Posted at 11:10h, 18 September

    Is the township paying the Commissioner’s share of IMRF? If so then that would be compensation, this may be for the township’s share of IMRF, not compensation to the employees.
