This is the reason I asked the Atlanta Public Library Board if they budgeted for environmental clean-up.
I can still smell that nasty smell…
These pictures are taken less than 20 feet from the back door of the Atlanta Public Library District’s “The Grill Café” located in Atlanta, Illinois – a small town in Logan County.
It looks nasty and it smells nasty, like used cooking grease and used cooking oil has been poured down this city storm drain for months on end:
A. Lincoln
Posted at 05:53h, 16 SeptemberSince Atlanta is below Normal, does it smell like the “grease” they use 50 miles south in Springfield?
Crystal A Goffinet
Posted at 06:23h, 16 SeptemberCheap skates! This town has enough trouble regarding the water quality….now the drainage system/sewer! Money hand over foot to pay for new equipment…who’s pockets are getting full?
Crystal A Goffinet
Posted at 06:24h, 16 SeptemberThank you for keeping us informed!
Bill G
Posted at 11:36h, 18 September
Kurt, John: suggest you file a complaint with IEPA. See attached link.
Sonny Chiba
Posted at 19:48h, 09 OctoberBill, don’t mention the evil EPA. Diane Benjamin may have a meltdown. Logical choice would be to contact the EPA, but Nancy Drew and her Hardy Boys decided a health inspector in a small town would bring the hammer down.
Posted at 20:53h, 09 OctoberDid you ever even think it was reported to a local health inspector to see if that local, government paid, health inspector would actually do the job they are supposed to do?
W. Smithers
Posted at 23:16h, 11 OctoberI know for a fact that this has been stinking with smell for months!
Posted at 21:00h, 25 OctoberIt doesn’t smell like grease but it comes out yellow from the tap. Why is nothng being done about the water quality here? The levels of arsenic are at 15 ppb for the last report I read and the legal safe limit is 2??? Flint Michigan all over again. Why is all this money being poured into the library and historical stuff when the water is nasty and not safe for it’s residents???? I wish someone would help with the water issues…