Carlinville FOIA Officer and City Clerk, Carla Brockmeier, has violated the law again and kept more public records hidden away in some dark, secret corner of her office. What a complete disgrace to public servants everywhere.
On May 5, 2017, I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for public records that they have already provided to someone else, and the city chose to ignore this request, and not provide any of the public records requested.
This seems to be the policy of the City of Carlinville – Ignore requests from people who write things you don’t want them to write.
Ms. Brockmeier, please resign, you are a failure as a FOIA Officer. You are the only reason the city is forced to spend taxpayer funds to defend your refusal to do your job. When the Courts and the AG finally force you to turn over these records, we will gladly publish all the attorney invoices in order to inform Carlinville residents exactly how much of their money was spent defending your decision to violate the law.
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Carl Acme
Posted at 13:13h, 18 MayCarla Brockmeier is just following directions from her superior. Should be fired anyway for not following the law.
Posted at 13:24h, 18 MayI agree, and I suggest she read this article on a wrongful termination Court ruling awarding the wrongfully terminated FOIA Officer a $4.3 million settlement.
At least he demanded he be allowed to do the job he was mandated by law to do.
Posted at 09:09h, 19 MayWhy not send the request via registered mail, return receipt signature, so she can’t say the mail was not received.
Then you can prove she or others are ignoring the requests – with signature proof.
Posted at 09:14h, 19 MayWe use an electronic return receipt service that is permissible as evidence in a court of law in Illinois. We know it was received, when it was received, and how long the email was open among other things.
Rob smith
Posted at 03:23h, 02 SeptemberYou have nothing better to do than stir the pot. They are not hiding anything your request are ridiculous. She is doing a great job And following the advice that she’s been given. You love to create more work for the elected officials. Oh and also I love to how you hide behind a keyboard.
Posted at 06:57h, 02 SeptemberNo hiding behind anything here. The advice she is following is wrong. They created their own additional work. Be not providing records, they are hiding everything requested.