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March 27, 2025

Carlinville Published Forged Meeting Minutes –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 7, 2017


On top of refusing to provide credit card statements, other public records, and lying about mailing CDs in response to FOIA requests, the Carlinville City Council has published forged meeting minutes on at least two occasions.

The April 3, 2017, meeting minutes are forged, as defined by statute. 

During the April 3, 2017 Carlinville City Council Meeting, the city attorney suggested, and a motion was made and seconded to respond to all FOIA requests submitted as of that date (on all pending FOIAs – requests already sent to the city), and waive any fees associated with those requests already submitted as of that date. The city attorney even went so far as explaining the motion did not apply to future FOIA requests. Mayor Demuzio even repeated the motion properly. It passed with a unanimous vote.

Listen to the discussion, Motion, and Vote:

Click to enlarge

What do their meeting minutes reflect (see page 2)?

Motion was made to waive the fee for this FOIA request only” – clearly not a true and accurate reflection of what was actually voted on during the meeting.

Since Carla Brockmeier is the City Clerk and FOIA Officer, and FOIA requests are ignored as a matter of routine city business, it is no surprise to us that the meeting minutes would be forged to reflect a vote that never happened and to remove a vote that did happen.

The April 17, 2017, meeting minutes are forged, as defined by statute.

Click to enlarge

During the April 3, 2017, Carlinville City Council Meeting, Carla Brockmeier and the city attorney assured all those present at the meeting that the CDs were mailed, even going so far as explaining what was on the CDs (like a 600-page response that I never asked for).

What did the meeting minutes reflect (page 2)?

They reflect “a discussion took place regarding current FOIA for John Kraft, which has been sent.” The minutes clearly avoid talking about a “CD” being sent – which makes me think the clerk who typed up the minutes knew the CDs were never really sent and wanted to produce a document not reflecting the actual conversation that took place during the meeting.

At a later date, thru a Carlinville citizen who requested copies of the CDs sent to me, we learned that the City denied sending any CDs in response to my FOIA requests – making the comments in the video false, and also making the meeting minutes false (because they did not send what the council told them to send).

Video from this meeting is below and discussion on the CDs being sent starts at about the 52:56 mark.

image name


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  • Canine Handler
    Posted at 18:13h, 09 May

    So many distractions.
    Catch me if you can Attitude

  • Carlinville's Burdizzo
    Posted at 19:13h, 08 May

    There might be something to this after all!

    Smoke ’em if you got ’em!

  • Andy Ream
    Posted at 07:45h, 08 May

    If I do not see an official inquiry by the States Attorney I am going to my
    State Representative to see what she can do. This whole matter is sickening.

  • Christine M Trzos
    Posted at 22:47h, 07 May

    There is just no end to what this administration will go to cover up their corrupt behavior! When will the Attorney General and/or the Macoupin county states attorney prosecute these unethical politicians? Will this require an investigation from the Dept. of Justice? What is wrong with the citizens of Carlinville to allow this behavior? Are you all lemmings?

  • John Pogue
    Posted at 22:15h, 07 May

    I thought the attorney was the mayor with all his comments and directions. WOW!! Keep walking, nothing to see here.
