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March 14, 2025

College of DuPage officials subpoenaed – Radio Engineer trial to begin

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 23, 2017

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

Almost two years to the day of being charged, former College of DuPage Radio Engineer John Valenta will finally stand before the criminal courts to answer felony criminal charges of theft.  The trial is set for February 28th, 2017 and will begin at 10 am.

James Martner, COD internal auditor and Daniel Bindert, station manager with WDCB Radio Station at COD have been subpoenaed along with several other people according to documents obtained from the courts today.

We will do our best to report on what happens during the trial.

For those who are wondering if and when anyone else at the College of DuPage may be charged as it relates to all the unauthorized spending that took place under the Breuder era, we can only report that the investigations that started back in February of 2015 are still underway by both the Federal Government and the DuPage County States Attorney’s office.  We can only pray that they finalize their work as soon as possible and bring charges to those involved in Official Misconduct and other criminal conduct.

The subpoenas can be viewed below.





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  • Blue Steel
    Posted at 15:49h, 25 February

    Chalk one up for the good guys! Downstate hicks 1, urban high & mighty trash 0. Thank you Kirk & John

  • Redcardtom
    Posted at 16:33h, 24 February

    I had been following the COD Saga from the start in the Trib and here. I thought that the DuPage County States Attorney and the U. S. Attorney for the ND of IL conveniently let all of this die. No coverage to speak of for either Criminal or Civil, or follow up from COD. Lee Daniels seems to have done a good job of finding a very compliant figure head.
