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October 19, 2024

Lincoln Way D210- Nancy’s Day Care riddled with violations – Tingley must go!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 11, 2016

As if FBI criminal investigations, SEC Bond fraud investigations, multiple resignations, and a potential class action lawsuit are not enough to expose the malfeasance of some of the current board members and Administrators, one need only look at the laundry list of violations by Aunt Nancy’s Daycare facility that is supposed to be looking after the interest of children whose parents work in this School District.

From bird feces on the climber to dirty cribs, it’s clear those allowing rent free day care on public property have no idea what is really going on on their property.  Below is just a small sample from the attached list of violations obtained by concerned citizens of District 210.

  • This licensing representative observed that you were unable to present a certificate of compliance  for 4 of your cribs.
  • This licensing representative observed that the hot water temperature in the sink in Room I (infant room) was at 127 degrees  and the hot water temperature at the sink in Room 2 (Toddler Room) was above 115 degrees.
  • This licensing representative observed that the playground needs lots of maintenance.
  • The climber with the green slide is covered in bird feces.
  • Licensing representative observed that Jennifer McAndrew does not have certification  of completing the mandated reporter training, SIDS and SBS. She also needs to complete six hours of in-service training for 2014.
  • Licensing representative observed that Deborah Stampa-Nato needs to have a current DCFS medical on file and she need to have a signed Mandated Reporter Jetter on file.
  • Licensing representative observed that some of your snack menus only have one component and they should have two.
  • This licensing representative observed that Megan Majewski and Lisa Martens were in Room I (Infants) meeting staff to child ratios, but neither had official transcripts on file.
  • This licensing representative observed that Lisa Martens, Tamara Folgers and
    Brenna Beebe do not have documentation verifying review of items 1 thru 3 (Child Care Act, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, and the portions of 89 Ul. Adm. Code 407 (Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers) that affect their functions and responsibilities.)
  • This licensing representative observed that your daily schedules do not display that there is an interval of at least 2 hours between food (meal) services.
  • This licensing representative observed that the diapering pads used in Rooms l (infant) and 2 (Toddler) appear to be dirty. The material doesn’t appear to be an impervious and nonabsorbent surface. The tag on the pads read “for domestic use only”.
  • This licensing representative observed that Jill Perez does not have a current background clearance despite being employed at your facility since January 9, 2014.
  • This licensing representative observed that some or the cribs in the infant room
    (Room 1) needed to be cleaned and sanitized.
  • This licensing representative observed that Donna White has 3 written reference letters but none are verified. This licensing representative observed that the medical exams have expired for the: following staff: Lynn Michelson, Meghan Carbone and Lenore Casson.

One only need read the full list of violations to see the Administration of D210 and the board members are out of touch with reality.  These violations, although problematic for Aunt Nancy’s Daycare, may well put the D210 taxpayers at risk in the event a lawsuit is brought against them as they are allowing this operation to function, rent free, on public property, not to mention a particular obligation D210 has under the contract for this operation.

Item 10c from the contract: “Full compliance with the facility requirements of Illinois laws, rules and regulations.”

Reading that obligation and then looking at the violations listed it makes me wonder who wrote this contract and who is truely responsible for many of these violations?

We can only pray that the people of this school district see the light and find candidates qualified to be the parent in the room as right now it’s clearly out of control with the children running things.  In light of these additional problems coupled with Superintendent Tingley’s inability to be honest about the budget, exposed by the Southtown Tribune, all indications are it’s time for him to go!

In addition, our question of “Do laws matter?” should be applied in this case as many of these violations appear to be repeat problems.  At what point is anyone ever held accountable?

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