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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – Boogie Man exposed

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 10, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

During the October 2014 Board of Trustees meeting, the entire finance department at COD stood behind their leadership, Lynn Sypata and Thomas Glaser, both were later terminated from COD (click here),  in what appeared to be a very well prepared full frontal assault against Adam Andrzejewski,, and Illinois Leaks.

I had not attended that meeting, and until recently had not watched the video.  What jumped out at me was a direct attack pointed at and Illinois leaks.

“Open the books and Illinois leaks, must really enjoy this time of year, Halloween, because they love to try and scare people. They want you to believe that behind every debit, credit, or any transaction here at the college that the boogie man lurks.  That’s the reason behind all these FOIA requests, but like a child that learns about Halloween as they get older, when you strip away the mask and the costume there is nothing to be afraid of, that it’s all fake, that same holds true here.”

Part of his rhetoric was to use some very interesting subjects as his version of the truth and a means to discredit us and others.  The presentation focused on three very interesting points.

  • Internal controls
  • Accreditation
  • AAA bond/credit rating


Let’s address Glaser’s bragging points one at a time.

Internal controls:

  • MR Bauer Grant & Contract with private attorney – never approved by the board and appears to have been done in total secret by Thomas Glaser (Click here)
  • JLL contract entered into without any board approval and appears to hvae been done in total secret by Thomas Glaser (Click here)
  • Max McGraw expenditures without any board approval then multiple stories created by Glaser to defend it. (Click here)
  • IRS findings of illegal expenditures at the Waterleaf that now the taxpayers get to pay for, as if the first time was not enough. (Click here)
  • Radio Engineer indicted for Fraud and facing multiple felony counts in criminal court. COD attempted to have public records sealed to prevent the truth from coming out. (Click here and here
  • Laundry list of our articles all pointing to a problem with internal controls (Click here)

None of those major events were uncovered by the audit he bragged about, yet all of them have led to the reforms we are now seeing at COD.


  • COD placed on probation by Higher Learning Comission approximatly one year after Glaser braggs about the accreditation status, all prior to pesky FOIA requets exposing the truth. (Click here)
  • On April 29, 2015, 6 months after Glaser’s bragging, the Physical Therapist Assistant Educator Program at the College of DuPage was placed on “Probationary Accreditation” due to COD’s “inability to demonstrate compliance with a significant number of evaluative criteria“. (Click here)

What can we say?  Faculty raised the flag and Senior management denied anything was wrong.  Again, another example of how wrong Thomas Glaser was in his attack  on those striving to do nothing more than ensure our government is following the rules.

AAA Bond/Credit Rating:

How ironic, Glaser used both of those firms in his rhetoric with his failed attempt to discredit us and others. Kind of hard to dispute those facts.

What was it that Glaser said at that meeting?

“So sorry to smash your pumpkins, by any objective measure, there is no boogie man here, these are the undisputed facts, not rhetoric”

Mr. Glaser, sorry to smash “your” pumpkin because by any objective measure, there was in fact boogie men at COD, and that is the undisputed facts, not rhetoric. 

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  • Mp
    Posted at 18:08h, 28 June

    U claim Lynn sapyta is also responsible and was rightfully fired. Lynn filed for her unemployment and the College lost and lost their appeals. The College spent about $145,000 to fight Lynn’s unemployment of $11,000. so dogs, we have new management but nothing really has changed. Perhaps at Lynn’s trial the people responsible for wasting taxpayer money including the new management can justify these actions.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:11h, 28 June

      Getting unemployment does not equate to improper termination.

  • Fred
    Posted at 14:56h, 11 April

    Proved you own point Vic … LOL …

  • The Shadow
    Posted at 12:36h, 11 April

    Vic says: “idiots can write anything.” thus proving his own point.

    Keep up the great work.

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 08:37h, 11 April

    Who is this “vic” person? One of those who is looking at the naked emperor and shouting “The emperor is fully clothed”? So it is not a fact that the criminals ate repeatedly at the Waterleaf on my dollars? That wozniack, the guy who lives in mommy’s basement, told Carol Marin in a live broadcast that he took his family to eat at the Waterleaf on $350.00 of my dollars? That the many FOIA requests were refused and then the requested documents were destroyed? That the breuder contract was illegally extended? That the school is not on probation? I could write volumes, but others have done it in an exemplary works. I will give this to “vic”: COD has a status, currently, of ‘no accreditation’ until certain changes and corrections are accomplished-so if that is different from probation, vic, so be it.

  • Vic
    Posted at 05:38h, 11 April

    Everything was the truth! Your watchdog idiots should find the true facts. But idiots can write anything.
