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Orland Park Public Library – Bittman v. Fox lawsuit withdrawn –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 22, 2016


According to PACER and its docket notification system, the SLAPP lawsuit Bridget Bittman filed in order to silence critics of the Orland Park Public Library has been withdrawn.

We anticipate a press release forthcoming.

A conference was held on March 15, 2015 where the Court Docket indicates dismissal of Bittman’s Motion to Dismiss Counterclaims as moot.

Bridget Bittman is the former Orland Park Public Library’s Public Information Coordinator, who it turns out was clueless when it came to “crisis management” in the public information coming out of the Library when activists held them accountable for multiple Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act violations, complained about child pornography being accessed in the Library, and the library allegedly doing everything it could to cover-up the situation – including filing several frivolous false police reports against the critics, who simply wanted accountability.

A link to our previous article on this SLAPP lawsuit: (HERE)

A link to all of our articles on the OPPL: (HERE)

Some of the more interesting events from the OPPL are:

  • Trustees return gold and jewelry they stole from the public (here)
  • Library settles FOIA suit for $55,000 (here)
  • Orland Park Police Department pays $12,000 for FOIA violations (here)
  • Library spends over $480,000 fighting release of public records (here)
  • University of Illinois GSLIS gives award to OPPL for defending child pornography and fighting FOIA (here)
  • Alsip Village Prosecutor, John Weimer, impersonates Police Officer and threatens pregnant mother (here)
  • Library, its attorney, and Orland Police Chief collude to arrest innocent citizens (here)
  • Library calls police on 4-year-old folk music song on YouTube, but not on child porn viewers (here)
  • Saturday Night Live pokes fun at the OPPL (here)

We will continue to report on this situation when further information develops.

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Bittman OPPL (WinCE)


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  • Mitch
    Posted at 18:45h, 22 March

    This doesnt mean this is over. Bittman will still prevail! You dont know what you’re talking about. They shouldnt get away with attacking a woman just for doing her job.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:54h, 22 March

      in my opinion it’s over. first amendment carries lots of weight.

      • Kevin
        Posted at 15:25h, 24 March

        Harassing Bridget Bittman and OPPL is over, in your opinion?

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 18:06h, 24 March

          There never was any harassment. There was the exercising of first amendment rights of speech, press, and petitioning of government. The lawsuit is over.
