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March 28, 2025

Dan Cronin’s DuPage County – Unauthorized Retirement Plans and Vehicle Allowances –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 6, 2016

DuPage Co., IL. (ECWd) –

We talked earlier about the Resolutions passed by the DuPage County Board setting the compensation of their elected officials in this article (HERE). We went thru the applicable statutes governing counties and compensation. The actual fact of county board member compensation, is that a county can virtually set their compensation at any amount, with every perk they can think of, and it would be perfectly legal – AS LONG AS it is spelled out in the Resolution setting their compensation and passed at an open meeting. The DuPage County resolution only specifies a dollar amount and nothing else.

We also talked about Health, Dental, and Vision insurance being paid as compensation to certain elected officials to include DuPage County Board members (HERE).

This article will focus on two other methods of compensation collected by a few of the board members in DuPage County.

Vehicle Allowance:

Dan Cronin pays himself a MONTHLY vehicle allowance of $450.00 each month, which is another payment in excess of his allowable compensation.

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This amounts to an additional $5,400.00 per year in excess of the rate set by County Board Resolution. Shameful.

What part of this Resolution doesn’t he understand? Isn’t ~ $129,000.00 enough?

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Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund – IMRF

The IMRF is another form of compensation not included in the Resolution(s) and therefore should not be paid.

Here are the county board members taking this compensation in violation of the Resolution setting their compensation:

These figures are per month.

Cronin, Dan – $761.23
Curran, John – $288.20
Eckhoff, P – $293.83
Fichtner, Paul – $288.20
Healy, James – $288.20
Krajewski, Brian – $288.20
Puchaiski, Donald – $294.58
Zay, James – $294.58
DiCianni, Peter – $172.92

I find it interesting that 6 of the 9 board members receiving this compensation are attorneys.

Board Members NOT participating in this IMRF: Tomatore, Chaplin, Grant, Grasso, Noonan, Romano, Khouri, Michelassi, Wiley, and Larsen.

Please thank these non-participating board members.

Our next article will tie all of these excessive perks together and show just how much is being taken without authorization on an annual basis.

Please consider a donation to the Edgar County Watchdogs.
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Cronin Presentation1


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  • Mike
    Posted at 00:18h, 08 March

    Is the IMRF compensation listed in the article the normal employer contribution to the pension fund?

    Or does it also include an employer pickup of all or some of the employee contribution to the IMRF pension fund?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 08:30h, 08 March

      That wasn’t made clear, but I am guessing that it the employee’s contribution. I am working on getting clarification.

  • CountyLeaks
    Posted at 17:34h, 07 March

    Here’s a primer of the DuPage County power structure, including Dan Cronin. They have all the bases covered.

  • Jon
    Posted at 08:14h, 07 March

    I’m not surprised at the corruption in Dupage county. This has been going on for years. Dan Cronin the so called leader in the county has broken the trust given to him. Wonder if Dan picked up these pointers while down in Springfield. He’s not kidding anyone and hopefully will pay dearly both politically and financially. Dan and Dr Breuder have something very much in common, they both know how to scam the system and smile doing it. Dan the spot light is now on you and the others still have time to jump ship. We have way to many lawyers and not enough ordinary citizens who will defend the tax payers who financially bleed with this type of corruption. We need to start at the top and work our way down to all who scam this broken system damaged by political greed.
    Evenully the real story will come out since county whistle blowers finally had enough of the fat cats lining their pockets.

  • CC
    Posted at 20:58h, 06 March

    That’s our Dan. Could not be more proud. Taking a page from the Breuder bunch or was it the other way around?
